Destroying Survivor Main Forum Posts: Part 1! | Dead by Daylight - Camping Them Softly: A Dead by Daylight Podcast (2024)

Speaker 1:

Oh my god, tim you, son of a bitch, toxic, toxic. This is disgusting. Toxic, toxic, toxic, toxic. Hey, he's a sad*stic bastard. Oh yeah, hahahaha. What is going on, everybody? It is the fifth episode of Camping them Softly, hosted by me, the toxic teacher.

Speaker 1:

I cannot believe we've made it to episode five. I did not know I would make it this far or that we would make it this far, not maybe, but it looks like we have done it, which is very, very exciting. Still trying to get in the swing of things, though, I feel like I'm not. I'm not quite there yet. I am not quite happy with you know, kind of the sound, the cadence and all of that, just because doing a podcast is very, very different than doing a stream. You know where you're supposed to be talking like the entire time. Podcasting's a little bit seem to be a little bit slower, but we're getting there. I feel like we've got a lot of good material. I feel like we've got a lot of good things in the works.

Speaker 1:

Now Talking to some other content creators about potentially collaborating on future episodes, if you are one of those collaborators and you would like to be featured as either a guest or maybe even a co-host, if we have one of those, that would be excellent If you decide you want to do that. Also, if you have any questions, you need anything, want anything, just let me know. We'll talk about it on the stream. You can email me thetoxicteacheratgmailcom. You can also find me on all social media sites at thetoxicteacher. You can find me on all of the social media sites at toxicteachertv. Or you can shoot me an email at thetoxicteacheratgmailcom and then we'll. We'll get around, we'll talk, we'll talk about it, we'll see what you guys want and then we can go from there.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure we'll get some good stuff from the community, from the killer mains though not the survivor mains, of which you know we've got a lot to talk about in that respect, because I study survivor mains. I want to know how they work, and I could pretty much tell you how they work in the fact that they usually don't work, or just the brain part might not work, and the reason being I. I follow all of the forums, like the Dead by Daylight forum. I follow Reddit and Facebook, twitter and all of that, and it's just that constant stream of negativity, the constant stream of complaining that survivors are always nerfed, killers are always buffed, and it's just the same thing over and over again. And you heard, in the last episode I about lost my sh*t simply because somebody said they wanted to nerf light born. Just because in the Alan Wake chapter they get all these perks right, they get all these some extra perks that make flashlights better. So they say, well, killers don't need a defense against that. You know which? I kind of lost my sh*t and we ended a little bit early on that. I just I couldn't take it and I didn't like where I was going with it, so I had to stop myself, which which is smart. Right Before you say anything too crazy, I did see a post before we get into like the meat of what I wanted to talk about, we did.

Speaker 1:

I did see a post on the Dead by Daylight forums that I want to read to you and I'm not going to name names, but you can find it on there. I'll, I'll read the thing and then we'll talk about it just a little and we'll go through a couple of the responses as well. So this probably comes first from a survivor main. So just take it for what it is. Probably doesn't make a lot of sense and it's probably wrong, but we need to talk about it, because we need to talk about how wrong it is. So here we go.

Speaker 1:

The subject line of this post. It's no longer an exaggeration Everyone is tunneling. I know it shocked me too. This is breaking news here. The text of the post I don't even know what to say. That hasn't been said 1.3 billion times before.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to stop there because he is not wrong. It has been said 1.3 billion times at least that tunneling, tunneling, tunneling, that's all killers do is tunnel, tunnel, tunnel, tunnel, tunnel. It's the tunnel of love here. On camping them softly, which that's a name, that's the name of the podcast, although you can't camp really anymore. So it's like proxy camping them softly. So, anyway, want to keep going. So I don't even know what to say. Hasn't been said 1.3 billion times before. But almost everyone is tunneling and I'm sick of dealing with it Now. He's sick of it and let's, let's keep going.

Speaker 1:

I mean that with this current insufferable killer meta of Scourge Hook Deadlock, he actually put deal lock as two separate words deal lock and see, that's a survivor main point, remember I said the brain doesn't exactly get going right. So you know, deadlock, I can read that, I interpret, I study the survivor main mindset, the professional excuse maker, the master of excuses, I think, is what we called it. I think on the stream somebody, somebody mentioned that phrase and I loved it. The master of excuses, like master puppets, master of excuses so Scourge, hook, deadlock, deadman, switch, et cetera, couldn't even give a fourth perk for this meta et cetera, and this has become one of the most unbearable eras. And he put an apostrophe in eras as if era has possession of something else. We remember this from like second grade English class. Right, like apostrophes should be ERAs, not ERA. Apostrophe S survivor main, obviously One of the most unbearable eras of this game ever.

Speaker 1:

It's so bad that the first two to three minutes of matches now are just survivors crouch walking everywhere for fear of being the first one seen. Something has got to change Now. Let's let this sink in I'm a repeat the main points of this post. Number one everyone is tunneling. Number two we've got the meta of Scourgehood, deadlock, deadman, switch, et cetera, and then also the first few minutes are survivors crouch walking. Okay, now I'm going to go into the responses after this, but I'm going to give my response and then we'll. We'll go into the the other people's responses, the other intelligent and maybe some unintelligent responses.

Speaker 1:

So let's go to the first point. Everyone is tunneling wrong. Not everyone is tunneling. Um, I, in my experience, because sometimes on the weekends I'll play in the mornings, which is where you get the bonus blood points for survivors. And I do play survivor because I study survivors. Like I said, I study them, I'm always looking at them, so I'll play them.

Speaker 1:

I have not experienced a lot of tunneling and I know that's anecdotal, right, you can't, you can't equate anecdotes to data, but I highly doubt the data is there for everyone is tunneling. I think that's just whenever you make those gigantic, sweeping comparisons, you're just kind of revealing yourself as kind of not as knowledgeable or prone to kind of a fallacious. Is that right? Fallacy, fallacial, uh, fallatial? No, that's not right. It sounds terrible, but you are prone to fallacies in your arguments. Fallacies in your arguments, right, fallacies. I know, I know it's terrible, so that's just slippery slope. Everyone's telling wrong, wrong, wrong, 100% wrong.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so let's go to the second point the insufferable Kilometa of Scourge Hook, deadlock, deadman, switch and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Now, if we go to nightlightgg, I'm going to go there now. I have not looked at this. Okay, I want to repeat, I have not looked at the community stats, which nightlights one of the one of the main ones. We've got it, with the exception of that drop of data. That behavior had a while back. I'm going to pull it up and I'm going to see what it says for the community stats.

Speaker 1:

Give me one second here. I know, okay, so we're looking at the, we're looking at the last 14 days. Actually, I want to go further back. I don't know how far back we should go. I don't know. You know what we can. We can go back a couple. I want to do a custom date range. Can we do a custom date range here? Why is that not? Let me do a f*cking custom date range. Okay, that's fine, whatever. So this is going to show the last 28 days of data, going all the way back to February six.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so of the perks that I see here, we've got the number one killer perk is and you might guess that this person's right on one of them it's Scourge Hook, pain resonance. So they are correct on one of them. Actually being a very used perk Right Now, is pain resonance worth like losing your sh*t over? I I personally I am very hesitant to like get really upset about this just because you only have four tokens and you can only do it four times, right, you can only get the gen regression which, in tier three is 25%. You'll get 25% gen regression four times in a match.

Speaker 1:

Okay, now, that's 25% of whatever is completed of the progress Right. According to my brain and what I just made up, I think that's what it is it's not 25% off the top, it's 25% of whatever percentage you're at in somebody. Correct me if I'm wrong. Even if it's 25% of the entire gen, 25% of 100%, I still don't think it's that bad. Yeah, I just I don't see that.

Speaker 1:

Now he also brings up deadlock, which is only used like pick. Rate for Scourge Hook is 27%. Okay, that's usually what you get. Okay, that's used quite a bit. I'll admit that that's like you know, 25% of all perks are Scourge Hook. If we go down to deadlock, or deal lock as he calls it, it's only used 8% of the time. And if we, if we recall, deadlock, what it does is it if, if a generator is completed, it blocks the next gen with the most progress Right and up to 30 seconds. Now, it's a great perk, don't get me wrong, but is it highly used? Is it a meta perk? That's just amazing. Like it did just everybody you know runs it. No, not really. So that part of the argument is obviously wrong.

Speaker 1:

I've got to go back because I actually don't remember what the third stupid thing he said was. Well, let me f*ck you. Would you would think I would have had a pulled up in somebody in that somebody in there that's that's smart is going to going to look it up. f*ck it. You know what. That's what I do, though this is exactly what I do. I don't. I don't do research. I didn't print it out, obviously. Oh, I found it. I found it here. I'm on the forums, just found it. Give me one sec, okay.

Speaker 1:

So he says deadlock, dead man switch was his next one. So let me check dead man switch and what, what it is Okay. So remember, deadlock was 8% of the pigs, dead man switch 7.58% of the pigs. And remember what dead man switch does. Let's say I hook a survivor. If another survivor stops repairing a generator before it gets fully repaired, the generator gets blocked for up to 30 seconds. Okay, okay, now you know it's a good perk. It's a very good perk, depending on what you run with it. Any perk I like that makes them scream like friends till the end is a really good one to run with. That. We can talk about that per combo here. So so I'm going off topic, I realize I'm, but this is this, uh, this survivor main, yeah, forget about them, but that's you know, uh. So so here's what I like to run whenever I run dead man switch.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so you take dead man switch, you combine that with friends till the end, which is a Chucky perk. Now what friends till the end does is that will make it to where, whenever you hook somebody, the obsession will change to one of the survivors and then, whenever that obsession changes, they scream. Now you might say, well, what's the big deal? They scream, they're exposed for a certain period of time, which I don't know off the top of my head. But when they scream, if they are on a gen, they're screaming stops them from working on the gen. So how does that work with, you know, friends till the end? The way that would work is that they would stop working on the gen, scream and then the generator blocks because of dead man switch. So people are working on gens.

Speaker 1:

It's going to block it, block it, block it, block it every time you get a hook. That is insanely better than Scorch hook, in my opinion, simply because it's buying you time as a killer and also it takes effect on every single hook. It's not just four times in a match, it's going to take place every single time you hook somebody. So if you hook the same survivor, let's say we want a tunnel. Okay, let's say we're the same. This guy is totally correct, we're going to tunnel his ass out. So if we hook him three times, dead man switch activates three times. So we get three 30 second blocks on there. That's great, that's bad ass, and I have made very good use of dead man switch.

Speaker 1:

Now, is it meta? No, that's not right. And this guy is just he's killing me, he's killing me, jerry. So so, yeah, I want to. I want to show you that or not show you, because I can't show you. I can only explain it to you because we're on a podcast.

Speaker 1:

Now let's go to the third issue here. Okay, so he says it's so bad that the first two to three minutes of matches are now just survivors crouch walking everywhere for fear of being the first one seen. Okay, so the argument is is that they they're not going to Jen's, they're just crouch walking for two to three minutes. Okay, now here's my question. Okay, if I'm playing survivor, if a killer is tunneling, let's, let's, let's take his argument and we'll run with it. Let's pretend he's right, which survivor means are not normally ever right, but I'm going to pretend sake of argument. Okay, he's right.

Speaker 1:

Killers tunnel. Do you want to be the first person seen? He's saying that's a bad thing. Okay, like that's a negative. How is that a negative? Like why, in what world? In what world would you want to be the first person seen? Even if tunneling wasn't a thing, would you really care? Like, I don't want to be the first one hooked.

Speaker 1:

Okay, if I have to hang back a little bit, let the killer do his first round, right, because that's a lot of time. What the killers do, you know, that's what I do. You'll kind of make a round of the gens. Listen for the progression. Unless you have lethal pursuer, then you just gun it and start beating ass right away. But I'm going to do my rounds, okay, so if I'm hanging back as a survivor and I'm hiding behind something, just wait for him. I see him go by and then I start the gen Right. Like why do you just jump on a gen and then he sees you as he's doing his round? That's just the kind of a ridiculous argument as to that being a bad thing. Right, so let's go through the comments. So we've gone through every single point. We've very intelligently and excellently torn his nonsensical argument apart. But I want to go through and we'll look at some of the comments.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so this guy is a sounds like a voice of reason. He says how is this the most unbearable meta ever, when tunneling has always been possible? We don't even have camping anymore. Did you play versus old camper twins? Now, excellent point on this person's part. Just because tunneling has always been a thing, it's always been something that's been argued.

Speaker 1:

The only thing is, now that killers actually have some decent ways to block gen progress and to prevent gen rushing, how is that bad that killers now can stop Gen Rush? Do we then take it away? Is this the exact same argument that we had last week about killers have too many resources at their disposal? We've got to take away their ability to prevent flashlight, you know, stuns? We've got to take away their ability to prevent Gen rushing. We've just got to like what they would want. What survivor means would want is to have no killer in the match, or have a killer in the match that either can't move, has no weapon, has no perks, can only hit you one time and then disconnects, or something like that. They just wanted to be generators. Are us professional excuse makers? Ok, professional excuse makers?

Speaker 1:

Now, this one killer main I can tell because I, like this sense of humor, says if it makes you feel any better, I don't tunnel, I like to slug, slash snowball instead. I love it because, like, slugging is the one thing that that is, you know, pisses off survivor mains more than tunneling. So if I'm looking to like generate heat I don't know if you're a wrestling person, if you have ever watched like pro wrestling or wrestling is my dad used to call it here in the South. They didn't call it. There was a difference between wrestling and wrestling. Wrestling was you know the guys at the gymnasium is jumping off the turnbuckles and elbow drops and leg drops and all that stuff.

Speaker 1:

But if there's one thing that can make people more mad than tunneling, is slugging in. What's especially funny and makes twitch TVers and YouTubers and Don't get me started, but a kick, it makes all the streamers very upset to be to be slugged and left to bleed out because that doesn't generate good content. And that's what they're looking for is content farming, which we're going to talk about in another episode, the idea of content farming and what that does to the deranged minds of survivor mains. So this next comment is pretty good. It's no surprise. People are playing in the most effective way possible to win.

Speaker 1:

If it's a problem, the blame is not on the killers, it's on the devs for making tunneling and camping so effective. Now, this is an excellent point. It's well thought out and actually Otz Darv, I believe, brought this up as well is that tunneling is one of the most effective strategies Killers have. Now the problem with this is that. The problem with this is this goes back to the argument that survivor mains are always going to make that they should play the way we want them to. This is for our fun the survivors fun, right? Killers are allowed to do X, y and Z, and if they don't, it's not fun for us. So we will whine and cry until the devs change it, so we can have more fun at their expense. And they have to do what we basically tell them to do Now, tunneling is effective.

Speaker 1:

If I'm a killer main and I want kills, and I want a lot of kills, I want three kills, I want four kills and tunneling is effective. If it's effective to get the weakest link out of the chain, why would I not do that? Right, it makes perfect sense as to why you would do that. Now, if you're a survivor man, you may say well, we need to make tunneling no longer viable. Like buff, decisive strike and buff f*cking whatever. There's 20 perks you could potentially buff or make base kid or whatever to stop tunneling.

Speaker 1:

But the problem is now killers are going to have to get something on the back end for that. You're going to get something. You're going to give something because you can't take that away and then expect nothing on the back end to happen. There will be consequences to that action and you may not like those consequences. You know sometimes that happens Survivors get what they want but they don't like what comes after. That. It's happened to killers before. Killers have liked something that's changed, but then again that has some knock on change, some new buff on the other side. That creates an even bigger problem.

Speaker 1:

So it's just like oh my God, yeah, now here's a survivor main. I'm not, I don't want to be just the spin zone, we're going to be the no spin zone, according to like dumb news stations. So a survivor main said I think it's because face campers have swapped to it after the anti face camp was thrown in. I'd also say the three gen killers swapped to it as well, but I'm not entirely sure on that. That said, a lot of people have called me a tunneler, even though I'd spread hooks or they'd be a four stack of the same character, cosmetic, and it's hard for me to keep track.

Speaker 1:

Now that brings me to another couple of points. See, we're getting a lot of stuff. I'm getting a lot of material here, a lot of content. So the first thing is the anti face camp. I could see that being a viable backup strategy. Right, we can't face camp like we used to. Sadly enough, I made the podcast, camping them softly, and camping is not even as big as it used to be, which makes me very sad. But if it's the new viable option, do it, and it actually may even be faster in some cases than face camping. You know, because face camping takes a certain amount of time for the survivor to go to stage two and then die the three gen killer, you know, switching to tunneling, like, like the poster, I'm not sure if that's actually the case and there's no way to back up any of these claims.

Speaker 1:

So now, the last point this person makes is totally on the ball is that you get called a tunneler even though you spread hooks, which has happened to me. I spread hooks one, one, one, one, two, two, two, three, three, three, four, four, four, four, and still get called a tunneler. And how the f*ck does that make me a tunnel? I don't get it, I do not understand it. And it's, it's. Poppy co*ck is what it is. I am not thrilled, I know it's, it's terrible. I am not thrilled, I'm unthrilled. Plus this sound alert last way to, I hit the button again. Okay, it's still going. I thought pressing it twice would do something and it doesn't. But I can press these farts. Okay, there we go.

Speaker 1:

So the last comment this person makes is like a four stack of the same character in cosmetic. I don't know who the f*ck is who and I don't f*cking care. Like why do I care? You know, I'm not watching for the survivor's names and saying, oh, don't chase that person. You know, don't chase Billy Bob, because Billy Bob TTV, because they need content for their channel and they keep running their ass into me, which is another point because if you f*cking like dude, if you get unhooked, you run, and then you come right back at me. You can bet your ass I'm going to tunnel you. Why would I not? You're right there in my f*cking face. So, yes, you're going to get hit again. Yes, your endurance is no longer there, so I'm going to hit your ass, you're going to fall, and then I'm going to hook you a second time or a third time, if it happens, you know again.

Speaker 1:

And then they complain Like, what do they want? I don't even understand in a, in a world where let's, let's go to the infinite worlds theory. Okay, as a philosophy major in school, so let's go to the infinite worlds theory. Let's pretend there's a world where this person makes sense. Okay, the original poster makes sense, okay. So they say you know. They say that somebody comes at me. Okay, I hook them. They come at me again and I'm supposed to do what? If I'm not supposed to hit them and hook them a second time, what in the f*ck am I supposed to do? I don't even know, do you just turn your back Like 45 more seconds to find somebody else? I don't even f*cking get it Like. I don't know, I don't know, and it's just. You can see where I'm going with this, it's just that you know it. Just there's no good argument that I can see One person actually posts.

Speaker 1:

Devs have said they consider camping and tunneling a valid strategy, which it is a valid strategy. How is this bad, like? How is it not Like? How is it not? I don't get it. Now, I'm just reading this. I haven't, I haven't screened it because I'm just reading. I'm reading as if this is my first time, because it is my first time, because I didn't read through all the comments, I just found the f*cking post.

Speaker 1:

So somebody says how do you really stop killers from tunneling? Though, any protection or measures you give them would surely be used against killers, just like how, on the record, decisive strike and even the built in BT can be. I totally, 100% agree. That is the offensive use, not offensive is in it. It offends me. It does offend me, but the offensive use of those perks Offensive maybe might sound better. I'm a country boy, so I'll say offensive. So anyway, you use it for an offensive purpose. I get you, I down you. That's not tunneling and a big unpopular opinion.

Speaker 1:

The poster says but I think if tunneling was disincentivized to the point of no longer being viable, dvd would be more boring for it. Now, that's an interesting proposition there. I think it most certainly is. That's my sitcom sound for, like if two people are kissing, like you know, and Saved by the Bell or something, hey, I know most of you guys probably never listened to Saved by the Bell, but let's keep going because this is an interesting. This is this a very interesting post here Says the idea that the killer can tunnel you out and you have to play well to survive or have your team win is fun, tense and dramatic.

Speaker 1:

If, for example, the killer just leaves you to satisfy an X hook win condition, that'd be boring, right? Sure, you might end up surviving, but so what? The killer let you survive for their win condition. You didn't escape from skill or teamwork. I think the real issue here, as usual, is matchmaking, as well as solo queue and Swift coordination, slash, information disparity. These both need to be improved further. Now, that getting into that whole Swift and matchmaking, that's another day, that'll be another podcast, if someone wants to talk about that. Give their thoughts, let me know.

Speaker 1:

No, but this the fact that tunneling is an option and the fact that you can get out of tunneling, the fact that you have to help somebody when they're being tunneled, is cool. It's not bad, right, I mean it. Just it f*cking like it makes the game better. And, yes, if the killer is letting you go, is that what you want? Do you want the killer to let you in? Are you like a 10 year old and your dad has to let you win? So you feel good, like that's the exact same thing, exact same situation. I will not accept any other thing other than that. So that is an excellent point in the in the post there. And this all came from the from the Dead by Daylight forums. Again, the. The subject line of this is it's no longer an exaggeration, everyone is tunneling. So if you want to contribute to that, if you're on the official Dead by Daylight forums, it's, it's up there for you.

Speaker 1:

So that I intended for this to be kind of the not the meat of the podcast, but it actually did become the meat of the podcast and I want to give a shout out to somebody I was playing against. Yesterday I was playing killer Person had the funniest name survivor name ever. You know this was a random. He had the name Small Meat and I accidentally coined a new quote Small meat, it's hard to beat and I love it. Small meat, it's hard to beat. I'm going to have to find a way to put that in like my channel intro that you see whenever you pull up my YouTube or my Twitch oh God, yeah, I'm getting some good stuff.

Speaker 1:

Just to give you an idea of what I'm doing, I'm still working my way through the new page of the tome that just opened. I got a couple of things done yesterday. I'm going to aim for a couple of more. I'm going to stream after this. We're recording this on Tuesday night, so I'm going to stream a little bit after this. We'll try to post this podcast, hopefully tonight or tomorrow, so that would be on the fifth or the sixth.

Speaker 1:

And, guys, I just want to thank you. We're kind of nearing the end of this and I just want to thank you guys for for everything. You guys have been great. I'm getting more downloads. We're actually going up in listeners, we're going up in views on YouTube. We're going up in views all over social media and I appreciate that.

Speaker 1:

And if you want to contribute with a question with you want to be a co-host, you want to be a guest, let me know. I am totally down for whatever we can figure out. I want to make this podcast as much yours as it is mine, but I want you to make it better. I want some killer mains. I want f*cking survivor main. Unless we have.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if you guys watch the old show Crossfire. We can make it like that. Maybe. If you don't know what Crossfire is, go look it up. If you are a fan of Tucker Carlson, number one, you can stop listening to me. And then number two, look at that and watch John Stuart destroy him on Crossfire. It was. It was actually really good. He ended up having to quit the show and like go underground for a few years before he came back up on Fox News as a slithering serpent and evil human being.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, that's that for camping them softly. Again, I am the toxic teacher. You can find me on all the socials and on Twitch at toxic teacher TTV. You can also find me on YouTube at the toxic teacher. Also, if you want to shoot me an email, the toxic teacher at gmailcom. Again, this was camping them softly. If you are a killer, main make sure you camp them, but don't camp them, but don't camp them hardly, camp them softly. Thanks guys, I'm done. That's toxic. Son of a bitch, toxic, toxic. This is disgusting. Toxic, toxic, toxic. Hey, he's a sad*stic bastard, oh yeah.

Destroying Survivor Main Forum Posts: Part 1! | Dead by Daylight - Camping Them Softly: A Dead by Daylight Podcast (2024)
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