Download Time Calculator - Estimate File Download ETA (2025)

Easily estimate the time required to download a file or a group of files with known size and an internet connection of a given bandwidth (a.k.a. speed). Estimate the download ETA and learn when the download will complete. The calculator accepts input in MB, GB, TB, and others, and bandwidth in mbps, gbps, tbps, etc.

Quick navigation:

  1. Using the download time calculator
  2. How to calculate download time
  3. How long will it take to download?
  4. Frequently asked questions
  • Can I speed up my download speed?
  • What affects download / upload times?
  • Why my downloads take a longer than the estimated time?
  • Does it matter what type of file(s) are being downloaded?

Using the download time calculator

To use the calculator and esimate the required time for a download or upload, as well as the download ETA, two parameters need to be known: the internet speed (a.k.a. connection bandwidth) as well as the size of the file or files that are to be downloaded or uploaded.

The download size may vary from several megabytes to gigabytes to terabytes or petabytes. In most cases the file size will be visible either in the download interface, or in the file system manager that you are using (e.g. Windows Explorer on Windows machines). The size is typically given in MB, GB, TB, or PB as conventionally understood. However, it may also be in SI units with the same names which in fact denote smaller sample sizes. If the size is displayed in both MB and MiB, in GB and in GiB, in TB and TiB, then it means that the first unit is a SI unit, whereas the second one is the classic. You can decide what unit to use as input, but make sure to flip the "use SI standard" checkbox if using SI units instead of the classic ones to get an accurate estimate from the calculator.

The internet speed is the practically available bandwidth expressed as units of information per unit time. Most often Internet Service Providers (ISPs) quote speeds in terms of mbps or Mbit/s, meaning Megabits per second, with speeds typically ranging between 20 and 200 mbps. In other cases you may know your bandwidth in terms of MB/s or MegaBytes per second, which is a different unit which more closely aligns with the data storage unit. Note that if using a quoted instead of guaranteed or practically measured internet speed you should use a value equal to 80-90 percent of the quoted speed as quoted speeds are typically only theoretically possible. Other supported metrics are kbps, gbps, tbps, B/s (Bytes per second), KB/s (KiloBytes per second), GB/s (GigaBytes per second), and TB/s (TeraBytes per second).

After pressing the "Estimate duration & ETA" button you will see how long it will take for the file to download or upload, as well as the download ETA in your local time. All estimations assume that the given internet speed is maintained throughout the whole download or upload process, at least on average.

How to calculate download time

The following simple formula is used to calculate the duration of a file download or upload:

Download time = File size / Bandwidth

Importantly, the download time and the bandwidth unit should share the same time measurement unit, for example seconds and mbps (Megabits per second) or MB/s (MegaBytes per second). The file size should share the same data unit with the bandwidth expression as well. For example, if the file size is in GB, then the bandwidth needs to be in GB/s. Likewise, if the bandwidth is in mbps then the file size needs to be expressed in megabits. Once the download time is known, estimating the download completion ETA is a matter of simple time addition. This tool functions as a download eta calculator so it does this for you.

How long will it take to download?

Let us consider an example of a large game or archive image file with a size of 200GB. How long will it take to download over a 100 mbps connection? We can convert 100 mbps to GB/s (it is 11.92 MB/s), or convert 200GB to megabits, then divide the size by the bandwidth. If this is GB as in classic Gigabytes and not SI gigabytes, then that will be 287 minutes or 4 hours and 46 minutes.

Here are some example download times for a file with a size of 200 MB, 2 GB, 20 GB, 200 GB, and 1 TB over a 50 mbps, 100 mbps, and 1 gbps connection:

Time to download files over an internet connection
Download sizeDownload time at 50 mbps (~6 MB/s)Download time at 100 mbps (~12 MB/s)Download time at 1 gbps (~120 MB/s)
200 MB1 minute30 seconds2 seconds
2 GB6 minutes3 minutes17 seconds
20 GB57 minutes28 minutes3 seconds
200 GB9 hours 33 minutes4 hours 46 minutes29 minutes
1 TB48 hours 52 minutes24 hours 26 minutes2 hours 27 minutes

The time durations are rounded to the nearest minute or second. The same times apply for uploads given that the same connection bandwidth is available for upload, which is often not the case as ISP typically provide asymmetrical upload/download ratios to match the fact that most users predominantly download and rarely upload.

Frequently asked questions

Below are a few questions users have related to file upload and download scenarios, answered by a specialist in computer networks.

Can I speed up my download speed?

Yes and no. There are some factors affecting download speed over which you might have some influence (see the next Q&A), but in general it is not possible to speed up the time for a download or upload. The best you can do if a download is of high priority is to make sure you are not downloading or uploading anything else at the same time and that the machine is relatively not busy otherwise.

What affects download / upload times?

Multiple factors can influence the time to download a file. The two most important are download size / upload size, and your connection bandwidth, colloquially known as network speed. Two other factors are the load of the server you are downloading from, as well as the speed of your disk drives. A busy server might not be able to retrieve the files you are requesting quickly enough to fill up your connection, so even if your bandwidth is 100 mbps the server might only be able to fill 40 mbps of it, resulting in a much slower actual download. If you have a super speedy connection like 1 gbps, it is possible that your disk drives may not be speedy enough to catch up in writing the data, again, resulting in slower download than the connection allows.

A fifth factor is the stability of your internet connection. A network of poor quality can result in significant fluctuations in the actual speed of transfer. A common example is when a connection is shared between multiple users in a building or even a residential block. When more users are using the shared infrastructure, it gets clogged and each user experiences slower download and upload speeds.

Why my downloads take a longer than the estimated time?

It is possible that your connection speed differs substantially over the duration of the download and hence the predicted download duration and download ETA from this download time calculator do not match your actual experience. It could be due to any of five key factors, as explained above.

Does it matter what type of file(s) are being downloaded?

It does not matter with regard to the download time. Audio, video, games, photos, archives, documents all download the same. The most important factor influencing a download or upload time is their combined size.

Download Time Calculator - Estimate File Download ETA (2025)


How to calculate download time for a file? ›

The equation for calculating download time is: File Size in bytes / (Download Speed in bits / 8) = Time.

How do you estimate download time algorithm? ›

Use the formula: Download time (in seconds) = (File size in megabytes) / (Internet speed in Mbps / 8).

How long would it take to download a 700 megabyte file on a 40MB connection? ›

Explanation: If 40 mb were able to download per minute and there is 700 mb needed to be downloaded, it would take around 17-18 minutes to download as an estimate. The division is 700 divided by 40 which equals 17.5.

What is estimated download time? ›

Download time = File size / Bandwidth

For example, if the file size is in GB, then the bandwidth needs to be in GB/s. Likewise, if the bandwidth is in mbps then the file size needs to be expressed in megabits. Once the download time is known, estimating the download completion ETA is a matter of simple time addition.

Why is a file taking so long to download? ›

Your download speed can be impacted based on how many devices are connected to your Internet connection (or connection point) at once, what you use the devices for, and how fast and strong your Internet connection is.

What is a good download time? ›

While a good download speed can vary based on your use, these speeds will be more than enough to support average use for these households: Single or Small Household: 100-300 Mbps. Small to Medium Household: 300-500 Mbps. Large Household: 500 Mbps to 1 Gig.

How to estimate time properly? ›

Use these suggestions to increase the accuracy of your time estimates:
  1. List all the steps. ...
  2. Gather everyone involved. ...
  3. Estimate the time required for each step. ...
  4. Add in extra time. ...
  5. Combine the steps to make a schedule. ...
  6. Assess your timeline after project completion.

What is the time estimation formula? ›

Use the Time Estimation Formula

The formula is E = (A+4B+C)/6. Let's say your best-case scenario time for a project is 150 days, your most likely is 175 days, and your worst-case is 225 days. We can see from the formula that the project is likely to finish in just over 179 days.

How do you make an accurate estimate of time? ›

4 Steps to precise task duration estimates
  1. Step #1: Look at the task from a bird's eye view. ...
  2. Step #2: Break down your task into chunks. ...
  3. Step #3: Roughly calculate the time for each step. ...
  4. Step #4: Add more time, just in case. ...
  5. Conclusion: Keep the data up your sleeve.
Sep 8, 2023

How long should a 400 MB download take? ›

As shown above, the 400 MB video file will finish downloading in less than 11 minutes over a stable 5 Mbps connection. However, if somebody else in the house uses the internet while you're downloading this video file, it could take much longer to complete the download because of congestion in the data transfer.

How long does it take to download 1 GB with 100mbps? ›

To put it into perspective, a 1GB file would take approximately 80 seconds to download at this speed. From streaming to gaming to video conferencing, 100 Mbps is sufficient for most households with multiple devices and regular internet usage.

How to improve download speed? ›

How to Improve Your Download Speed: 8 Easy Fixes
  1. Restart Your Router and Computer. When you reboot the router, make sure you press the power button (not reset!). ...
  2. Fix Browser Issues. ...
  3. Get Scanning. ...
  4. Turn OFF Non-essential Devices. ...
  5. Move Closer (Wi-Fi). ...
  6. Switch to 5Ghz (Wi-Fi) ...
  7. Switch to cable (Wi-Fi) ...
  8. Use a VPN.

What is ETA in download? ›

The Full Form of ETA in English is the Estimated Time of Arrival or Expected Time of Arrival. ETA refers to the time required or expected for an object or entity to complete its journey. The object can be anything from a train to a courier to a book or project.

What is a good estimated download speed? ›

You'll be able to carry out basic tasks, such as email, browsing the internet and online shopping. However, if you have multiple people in your household using up your bandwidth, we recommend a download speed of at least between 30-60Mbps.

How do I fix long download time? ›

10 ways to increase your download speed
  1. Download one file at a time. ...
  2. Clear your cache. ...
  3. Disconnect devices you don't need from your network. ...
  4. Test your modem and router. ...
  5. Use an ethernet cable. ...
  6. Get a VPN. ...
  7. Update your device drivers. ...
  8. Run computer updates.
Jun 24, 2024

How long does it take to download a 1 GB file? ›

Download Speed 50 Mbps: Approximately 2.5 hours. Download Speed 100 Mbps: Approximately 1.25 hours. Download Speed 500 Mbps: Approximately 15 minutes. Download Speed 1 Gbps: Approximately 7.5 minutes.

How do you calculate download progress? ›

To estimate download time:
  1. Find out the internet data speed.
  2. Note down the file size.
  3. Make sure the units for the bits is the same.
  4. Divide file size by data speed to obtain download time.

How do I calculate file upload time? ›

You can calculate the approximate duration manually:

Say you have 100 MB (megabytes) of files to upload. 100 MB equals 800 Mb (100 x 8). (Filesize in Mb / Upload Speed in Mbps) / (60) = Total Upload time in minutes.

How do you calculate download speed? ›

The following equation can be applied to determine the time required to download a 400 MB video over a 5Mbps internet connection: Download time = File size / Bandwidth.

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.