Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)


Talk t'v John Kennedy. WOAW. (326), Omaha. Fontenelle Or-ohc-sTa. 7:00 p.

KFNF, (165), Shenandoah. Field concert. Kso. (241. Clarlnda.

la. Music: talk. KSP. (515.1.), St. Louis.

Contralto recital. iVAHG, (315.51, Richmond Htn. Eyn-chrophase Trio. WIU'I, (263j, Newark. Instrumental and 1 oeal.

WBAL. Baltimore. Contralto; baritone; violin. WF.BR. 1, Stateu Island.

News; soprano; violin. WBZ. (333.3). Springfield. Capitol Theatre Orchestra.

WCAE. (1'1. 3), Pittsburgh. Nixon Or-chest ra. WCAU.

(27S1. Philadelphia. -Soprano; pianist; harpist. WCX. C-1 Pontlac.

Studio program. WEAF. New Tork. "Pop" Con cert; also WOo Willi. I31P phone Band Buffalo.

AlIen'B Saxa-Atlantlc City. Seaside New Tork. Talk; or- WHAK. (27o), Hotel Trio. 1VIIN, (361.31 Willi, (305.6), Kansa, City.

Sweeney's i.jp'hfstra onf. Cincinnati. Concert, Hotel 1 iit.5oi. iv Ml' (311 New Torlt. Terminal Hour; scK-nce AVNYC, 5 New York.

Me mor iaJ j-rosrain. War Vienna. WW J. i'J o2.lt. I'etroit.

Orchestra. 7:0. p. VAM1. Minneapolis.

tfyni phony. 7:10 p. in. WKYA Kichmon'I. Mai; banjo; violin.

KtKA. (09.H. "Enet rUts- of WKtl, lilaclv Iron ih W.I A Providence. Falrlawn Wl.IT. (39i.

5. Philadrlphia. Boy cout3 proyraiu; C5r.5 New York. Entertainment. p.

KPKC, (295.9), Houeton. Danc urotie'ra. KSO, Oakland. KOA. Denver.

Mrong Orchr-stn. K-O. 2 i t.R Clarinda Kiddles' Club. Brov.11 Palace la. Hay Mow five old lirno contests.

VZ, (333. Springrietd. Male Quar tt. WHBR. (272), Statin Island.

Bible struct tona; voi-nl; violin. WKAF. (43 1.5 New Tork. Miner's Trio; health tnlk; also WCAP. WHO.

res Moines. Pianist; com- pOrcr. wi.w, (4::.3. Cincinnati. Theatrical WMAK.

fCfiS.S), Buffalo. Olympic Tbe- procntin. VI N. New York. erf's t.

Uncle Rob- WOl. 3T0, Ampj, la. WOK. (105.: Nowark. Auto course; "All K-ld's Hour." A sL I.

Iowa City. College of tho Air. 7:4 p. WPG. (299 S), Atlantic City.

talk. p. m. Wl'CO 4 16.4) Minneapolis S'. Paul.

Farm lecture. KDK A. (309.1). East Fltts- lirKli. 1-Isht Opfra f.our.

WKL'O (S45.1), c-'t. Louis. Talk by ll-v. Mr. I Mots.

KOA. (322.4). Denver. Pinner conrert. AUG.

Richmond Hill. Nichols (garret. wi.Ij (210) Baltimore. Talk by Hans Schuler. Wi'AK.

161.3). Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh Urp-rtulve Philadelphia. Merry Minstrels. (333.3), SrrlngfleldL Alepro Drum ores.

(2S3), Snn, Antonio, Musical! (4PJ.4). Minneapolis-St. I JECATUR HERALD Entered mt the Postoffica In Decatur. I1U ua second class matter. Addreaa all communicationa to Tna Decatur Herald.

Decatur. 11L "MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Tho A.r.oi.t0rt Pr.u 1. XClUalVolV I titled to the use for republlcationa of aD nttfu. f1i.nnrihM, prafMtaA tn It or not Oth erwise credited tn thla paper and alao the local news published therein. All rights of republication of special aiapatcnes perein are also roaerrea.

By mall In Decatur's trading territory. IS per year- PUBLIC NOTICE PERSONALS WANTED Home" for thoroughbred Col lie dog. Reliable partita onjy need appij. E. H.

Kowalsky, Herald office. Sunday till noon or Monday a. m. I will not be responsible, for any debts or fc.ni.na Jamea Irom now on. iv.

James. COMMERCIAL. TRAVELERS. Dictate your letters afternoons to Emma Kiser, Tvoist. 331 Citizens Bank Uldg.

(Jot down office nu.nberl. For muruing ap pointmtnts 'phone Main 4S64. STESOGRAPIIER-Erma Rau tnimeograplung. typing. NOW.

41S Citi' zens Building. V. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heartfelt thankF to our friend3 and neighbors also to me Knights ot Columbus and Catholic Daughters of America for their assistance and kindness during our rcont bereavement. MRS. ELSIE MURPHY A ZAMjLY LOST AND FOUND 4 LOST Fanev tan bag.

containing small child's clothes. Sunday afternoon between ISOt) Johns Avenue and southwest of town. Return 1S39 IJohns. r7T t-ialf nolle, nnil half collie, light brown. Answers to name of Buster.

Has a tag on neck. Wear? set or Main or Main 2345. SlETAL covered loose leaf milk delivery book. M. L.

Benton, L'nion Dairy Co. M. ti RKWARH FOP. RETl'KN of blue maltose cat. -01 K.

So-'. MRS. RYAN HOSTESS TO LA PLACE CLUB LAPLACE, Feb. 15 Mrs. Arch KV-an entertained the members of th5 Larkin club and their children at a Valentine party Saturday afternoon at her home.

Mrs. Smith furnished special music and the children save recitations, Mr. and Mrs. George Fickes and family moved Saturday to a farm near Harristown, where Mr. Fickes has employment.

C. C. Eagan returned home Saturday morning after being in the Decatur and Macon County hospital with his wife since Tuesday. Mrs. Elbert Peterson, who lives northeast of town, returned home from the Decatur and Macon County hoKpital Saturday.

Irbrn to Mr. and Mrs. Adscl YVake-man. a baby girl. Thursday.

The little Miss has been named Sarieta Ann. Walter Adams of Canada Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Adams, and other relatives. Glen Moser returned home from the t.

Mary's hospital in St. Louis, where he has been for treatment. LAKEWOOD Mr and Mrs. Bruce Leach of Taylor-. family.

1r-a IT of T.iv nrv ft Is ViSlt- with her sister. Mrt C. P. Roberts. Rev.

J. K. Bowman i convalescent alter an attack of pneumonia. Mr. and Mr.

Cilbert Austin and son Halden of Clarksburg visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Emmering. W. Prosscr.

candidate for sheriff of Shelby county, wad electioneering in Lake-wood Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Cordon of Woodriver a few days v.ith Mr. and Mrs.

T. E. Camfi-ld and family. Mrs. James Deal and daughter Ruth are vlsitine: wi.h relatives In St.

Elmo. has been passing a few days in Decatur. ville (2 W015. (51 9 1, Buffalo. T-opoz Orchestra.

UN. (3G1.2). New York. Cotton Club Orchestra. WLIT.

(S9L5), Philadelphia. EI Patio Orchestra. WOO. i.SOR.2), I Music. WOR.

(405.2). i WSAI. 0), program. WS.M. (2SC.8.

Philadelphia. fiylvania Newark. Hofbrau Haus Cincinnati. Community Nashville. Tellctlere'e Orchostra.

WTAM, (3S9.4). Cleveland. Dar.re mu- WRW, (273), Tarytown, Orchestra pro- i KOA. (322.4). Dnver.

Or-I chestra and Staff Artists. I KFOA (151.31. Scatle. Studio program. 1 (361.2).

New York. Silver Slip per orchestra, i WH A R. (275.., Atlantic City. Dance or- chcstla. wii a (Sil).

New Tork. Dcnny's Or- ehrstra. Pontiac. Jewett jesters. p.

WSB. (42S.3). Atlanta. Mu- sicai program. Iii iio n.

KFI. (467). Los Angeles. I Murphy program Che nlr milt-li KLX. ikland.

Lake Merritti KTHS. (371. S). Hot Springs. Firestone 1 WH' (315.6).

Richmond Hill. Mid- i uicl*t Frolic. i iVAMli. t244i. Minneapolis.

Frolic. W11N. (361.2), New York. Orchestra. WHO.

15261. Pes Moines. Parody Club Little Sym- phonic Orc'iest: I WTAM. (3i9.1 elnnd. Royal Can- adlans.

p. WDAF. (3r.6.6v. insas City. Nlch'hawli rro.c.

p. m. KFI. Los Angeles. M- I'Klelcllll liroe.

NX, (336.9). Hollywood. SHvrrtown Orchestra. KIM. (I2S.3), San Francisco.

I'ablrtans. 122 31. Ctnclr.r.a.l. MidnlRht Krolb-. WSAI.

(325.91. Cine r.nat lies-ii. 1:110 n. KNV (..... oconn-r Grov" o-clicM- Sank'-r's Or-Holivwood.

LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE per.ns havit-g clrtlms aeai-5t the of J-hn H-skms. d-cased, are he'-ehv RC.d tO attend th" 192 of 111- Probate Court of th- O'irtc Illinois, '1 same Dated this 1 1926. cr Aiacon purpose ef havir.g the crv of February, A D- NF.I.T.IK STEPHENSON, N1CHOI.T.S. Execuirix. I.

At Ar-MINISTRA F-e' of F.cali. d-ceajd. Th" gn-d ha ben acPIn'cd Ad nit of the estate of T.i rabeth ate ef t'le Ceuu'y t-f M.T-ini srd deceased, herel.y gives 1" 'I appear before the of Macon County, at th Cour-. Hcc-e in I'ecitur. at the term, on 'irst Monday in April next.

f.me xll persotis having claims Paul-ltni EMPLOYMENT HELP WANTED MALE 6 WANTEI married men with experience for farm work. Must know how to care for cows. If you a good Job give mo your references. Write N. 3ES care Herald.

MAN TO SELL NURSERY stock and hire salesmen. Bis pay. Exclusive territory. Free outfit. Experience unnecessary.

Salesmanship course free. EMMONS Newark. New York WANTED Hard working man who would like to get inio business for himself. One who is acquainted with the quality oi Watkins extracts, spices and remedies. We have an opening in Decatur which will not last long.

This Is your opportunity to make Fome real money the coming year. Write Dept. K-6. The J. R.

Watkins Company, Winona, Minn. MIDDLE AGED married man on farm. Experienced. D. SSti care Herald.

MARRIED MAN on farm. Stead place. Good E. 3S2 care Hciai'j. BE A BARBER Wo train you for a lifJ occupation.

Ton make good money while learning Decatur Barber Col-lege. 23i E. Eldorado HELP WANTED FEMALE 7 LADIES who can embroider write us for easy, pleasant, profitable work. Fay guaranteed. Everything furnished.

No canvassing. Koyal Art. Dept. 31, Leipsic. Ohlq SALESLADIES Luzette, a Chicago manufacturer of women's foundation garments would like to Interview several high gra-i women who are desirous of building up a business of their own.

Sold direct to homes. No 'nvestment required, phone or writ Miss Levington. Orlando hot I Sunday, Monday. Tuesday. HELP -MALt OR FEMALE 8 LL MEN-WOMEN 18-50 wanting to Qualify for Government positions; $110 225 monthly, local or traveling.

Write Mr. Ozment, 176 St. Louis. Imme-d lately. SALESMEN AND AGENTS 9 SPECIALTY SALESMEN Fourteen years of surct-ss make it necessary to put on more salesmen to work out of nomn territory.

Experience in building line an advanta ce. We are also interested in men with direct Belling' experience. Compensation liberal. Position permanent. The American Oil Paint Cleveland, Ohio.

SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 10 FARM WORK Stock or grain preferred. Experienced married man. George Andes, Maroa, HI. SITUATNS WANTED FEMALE 11 FARM WORK Stock or grain preferred. Experienced married man.

George D. Andes. Maroa. 111. WORK of any kind, by day or hour.

Colored woman. Main 5109. PRACTICAL NURSING Hospital experience. Wih go out of town. Mrs.

Nellie Moomey, Main 923 W. Packard. HOUSEKEEPING or any kind of employment. Competent lady with small bov. Mrs.

E. D. Lynch. Gen. Clinton.

Til. MIDDLE AGED LADY wishes position as housekeeper in private home. References. M. WORK WANTED by the day.

Call Fair-view 200. BOARD AND LODGING ROOMS AND BOARD 12 MACON, W. Large room for two. Board if desired. Call Kairview 2177.

CAL IIOU.V, 237 Modern room. Meals One or two men. if desired. WEBSTER, 347 Two furnished rooms, close in. nea- Washingtoa school.

Board if desired. Fair 14SJ. WOOD. 721 KoorrTand board in modern home. Fairvlew ROOMS WITHOUT BOAR 13 WATER.

Two free tl-kAa awaiting J. W. Anderson at the Herald office to see tlie Lincoln Square. "Monk Watson will pleaso you we are sure, Mr. Anderson.

WEST WOOD. 267 Pleasant room in modern private home, bath adjoining. Gentlemen. P. 2431.

SEDGWICK. 1221 Room in modern home, l-'urnlshed to please renter. Very reasona iile. MAIN. WEST.

412 Nicely furnished room. Apt. 1, city heat. Fairview 2465. MERCHANT 138 Modern room suit-able for two gentlemen.

Steam- heat. MAIN, 1076 Nicely furnished modern rooms. Fairvl.w loni. MAIN. 1323 Modern sleep- hi rooms.

Garage if desired. WESTt PA RT Modert, room on bus line. Employed men preferred. Main 2M9. WOOD.

414 Modern steam heat. Main 3320. Sleeping room; NORTH. 79 Large airv third floor modern room. Well furnished.

Two or four men. Falrview 1257. CENTER. 770 Room in modern home Also aarage. Call Main 7891.

MAIN. W. 113 Modern furnished room. EI.DORAIH ('. 149 One slocping room.

all FRANKLIN. N. room, modern 425 Nice warm sleeping OAKLAND. 404 Front v.i i iiusiiiesa man ferred. Main sf.is.

pre- i PRAIRI 276 Until rooms, nl-eiy furnished, with bath. "ciicneUe. call Main 4804. morning LARGE molcrn l-adi-? only. F.

front plepins; room. Living room privileges, WATER, NORTH, room. F. 'Sfi 1357 Modern sleep: tig rooms ry up." 'pt PRUNSUICK HOTEL Romo.ie'.ed" "WnA retinishel. hot and cold water neeiai rata RCSFT2HCEKEEP'G 14 ONI" BLOCK from bus line." Near'Unl- ISU.

n0 Or two modem ror.mq tei.l. Kitchenette F. 1IED I. h. k.

rooms. ing room and garage. 554 w. Main, KING. 221 2 furnished light house.

keeping rooms. Ground floor. Responsible couple. M. ATER.

4-Iurnlshed modern rooms for light housekeeping. MODERN I EP I I ffSo cuZZih Jo two ladles employed. 229 W. Macon Et.I P. AD.

-Two modern unfur- tiished roenv. MAt. 2 room- on ground floor fn new- home. Furnished. Hot -water in lilt -ben.

Main 3057 or F. 13S1 WO'. D. 1170-! kite: Two modern furnished enette. Fn-rview J(o.

an NiON. 1019 Fumist light housekeeping roorii in modern home Call 31 I rw furnish, front MACON. 217 Two modern light ho.j-ekecping rooms and one sleeping room MA 1. or" unfrr- hou.i;e,.p!ng rooms. Light hen.

turulshed. Very reasonable. Malr. 1062. NORTH.

620 TwcTlfghF housekeep-Ing rooms, sink In kitchen, private en-trance. Main 4362. CAuH.M'N. N. 3 furnished llcht rooms.

$5 pep we-k. Everv- thing furnished. Falrvi-'w ci" me-l. rn 4-room apartm-nt. Close I lJ tiurch St.

ill 218. CI.LVEMNP. 900-3 nice modem tr.L rooms. Unfurnished. Main 3143 THRE FURNISHED ilcht housekeeping rooms.

Fart modern. $8. AVatcr and lights furnished. Private entrance. Call 624 N.

Mam. LOCUST oom. 12723 light Main 6521. housekeeping FIFTH. 345-3 clean." Trt1''rn hpiy keeping room unfurnished I'NION.

light Two olan modern housekeeping rooms. GRKEN 5: 2 thoroughly niodern furnished llpbt housekeeping rooms. tr urnlshed. Good heat, Clos to Mufi-ler's. aiURCK.

N. SC. 2 light or 1 -d it; roorna. housekeeping MAIN S. 449.

Two furnish? d. rooms, ntraru- nice c.ean Reasonable. modern Private BAGGA)GE AND TRANSFER 18 MOVING rV-1 VAN LOADS. $6.00 or $2.04 per or Ton Truck. $1.53 per hr.

estimated given on long hauls packing storage, fttc Davis Storage. M-349. I i MERCHANDISE OFFICE SUPPLIES SAFES Wilder' a. 12a N. Main Et.

DESKS Wilder' a. 129 N. Main St. 34 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 39 DINING ROOM TABLE and chairs. First class condition.

Reasonable. M. 3162. INCUBATORS 250 and 125 egg. Excellent condition and do fine work.

Bargain 1229 Union. "MONK WATSON" and his seventeen syncopators will be the Lincoln Square'a added attraction this week. Be sure end sec this show. I. Durbln of 1325 E.

Johns, can go free by calling at the Herald office for tho two frco tickets we have for him. ONE HUSSMANfreaer counter 12 ft. Call Scott Meat Market. Phone 23. Monti-cello.

REFRIGERATOR 10 ft. counter. Guaranteed to give satisf ntlon. Auderson A Linard. Owaneco.

III. EXCHANGE MISCEL 37 EXCHANGE Your Herald pass for "two tickets at the Lincoln Square if you wish to see "Sally, Irene and Bring a copy of this morning's Hrald showing your address as 325 W. Leaf-land, Mr. Lee H. Sentmen and receive your pass.

BUSINESS SERVICE SPECIAL SERVICE FARMERS TO KNOW that we dead stock, free of charge, p. 39 remove M. Bai- uriuge. ix. ti.

g. e.nin 7006. CHIMNEY SWEEPING and repair work. Fiirnace cleaning. F'Jres do not have to bo out.

Ed. Mullen, Falrview 325. BAsem*nT DIGGING I can time and money. Main 6439. save you FURNITURE repairing and -refinishlng.

Chairs caned and repairing sash cords Blue Star Shop. 235 Division. Main 6S70. BEAUTY PARLORS 40 MARCELLING 50c Peril Fitzgerald, 699 E. North.

For appointment call F. 2301. MISS PAULINE STARR formerly with Blanchard Beauty Shop, now located at 150 Merchant St. to her friends and cus-tomers. Main 7S5 Deko Shoppe.

MORNING SPECIALS except" Saturday. Marcel and Shampoo, 75c. Shampo and Haircut. 75c F'aciai and eyebrow arching, 75c. Marcel and Manicure.

75c Powder Puff. Mam 299. AN ATTRACTIVE sale of hair goods this week. -Plain shade and gray, matched perfectly. Mrs.

Heller's Beauty Shop. 136 S. Water. Main 1643. BEAUTY SERVICE Marcelling, massage, by expert operators.

Lincoln Square Peautv Shoppe. M. 3901. DRESSM'K'G AND SEWING 41 QPILTTN Mrs. Nellie Priest, airent.

1205 N. Edward St. Main 66P5. WASHING AND CLEANING 43 WASHINGS and ironings. F'irst class work guaranteed.

Call for and delivered. Fairview 1076. REPAIRING 46 IP TOUR CHAIRS-- "i cano seats see N. Edward, Main w. N.

Knight, 19 4913. FOR FURNITURE REPAIRING that "stays put" call T. L. IlarU Kairview 1786. FURNITURE Repairing or any other repairs about vour home Home Repalt Shoo 21fi Division.

Fair 16J7 WSHING AND CLEANING 43 LAUNDRY WORK- All work guaranteed. Telephone Falrview 26-j4. PAINTING PAPER HANGING 47 ROO.MS PAPERED Paper furnished $4 np. Main Lynn Ai M-ado-AS. PAPER HANGING at reduced prices for a limited lime only.

Work guaranteed. 1- R. Hooker. M. 7-67.

PAPER HANGING, paintimr and varn sh-Ing. Paper for saie. Melbourn Stoui-n-borough. F. 1342.

PAP it HANG I SG I 'aim ii7gVa rn m7. Cleaning Floors, Wav.d. Paper for Saie. 4c Roll up. Price Reduced.

P. 1189. M. I9J8 N. W.

Ayers, H33 E. William. INSURANCE 49 INSURANCE TODAY keeps- poverty away. Duncan Insurance Alain 6544. RADK) AND ELECTRJCAL 60! J.AL.IOI.A SUPER VIII Six tube Super Heterodyne, conceded idP.

A wonderful performer. A real bargain at S2i plus batteries. The Decatur Music Shop, 11S East William St. Main 1550. RA DIOLA Sup.

able model al Musi. St. Main 1550 r-Heterodyne semi port-a saving. Just one. 'fjiC Shop, lis East William RADIO f.i'E HIRI1 5-tuhe a bird of a set.

fl2.3o. New stock of Sit.j.a sts, Sto. on. Radio tubes. 201A.

$1.00 Battery Chargers, oil makes. charged. Radio acessories. No oierhe. expense, open day and night.

It will pay you To call Lucas Radio hop. 2129 Main. M. 5392. b-i-Et'T'IilCAl.

House wiring and I.epairimr. remodeling a speclaltv. Mills Electric Stum 1120 N. Edward. M-3527.


Main 1 row-Aiso -ano good calf, horse MT'LE 6 year old. sound and rubber tired buggy. George Flowers. Route 2, Cerro Gordo. farm horse.

7 ears old Weicht 1100 lbs. $125. Call County 92(1-11 WANTEI i Vaceiur.tod shoats. any size. Call FOR SALE 3 car old T.

P. tested Part fre-h F'eb. Mrs. Claiido Piowu. li.

mi. v. est GOOD JERSE for 2574. 141 E. TWO FRESH COWS $.13 each.

Also cow giving 21-; gals. $10. 1 block north, one east of Brush College No. 1. Art Witt FOR SALE Two year old Hampshire male hog reg.

C. E. COCHRAN. Harristown. 111..

912-11. WANTED Plug horses. Can thing. Hanes Davidson. 352 E.

Main 22C4. WANTED TO BUY' Cattle ar.d hogs of any kind L. Jennings. Co. 901-H.

POULTRY AND EGGS 54 co*ckERELS Pure bred Whit- Rocks. C. A. Keller, 6 mile north on hard toad, 1 west. TWO FULL co*ckerels.

BLOOD '-'93 Wr C. Rhode Island tor. F. LEGHORN SETTING EGGS off and Lord strain. Write or call.

Mrs. R. Parrlfh. R. R.

No. 1. County 943 ring 3. STANDARD ClflX. ready Mar.h TTtT raisers giliue free.

Standard IIatcb.cr.'-2. WE HATCH "TOUR EGGS. Vfile. phono or call for rates. Standard Hatcheries, f.

139 3. POULTRY" CULLING Expert work. Hornorook, Route 3. Co. 900-2.

HATES SUPREME CHICKS will be radv Marcn l. cataloguo free. Hayes Bros. Hatchery. Decatur.

Pana. 111. ATTENTION FARMERS We pay high est casn prices for your poultry. We call at your door Call IL Selp, S37 Stuart Ave. Main 3454.

DOGS, BIRDS, PETS 55 HIGH GRADE pedigreed eligible to register alredale pups. J. Hanson. Route 3, Falrview 3. SPITZ PUPPIES for sale- Brown Hlnkle.

Main. GRNi HAY FEED 57 SIX TONS LOOSE in barn. Albert Cooper. Harristown. FOUR TONS LOOSE timothv hav." near Swartx Crossing in barn.

Main 1587. RENTAL HOJJJESJORRENT 58 MARIETTA. E-. hotJsc. Frank Bush.

1509 E. Marietta. S19 3-room house. "Newly papered and painted. CaJ Main 6605.

s15 thoroughly modern apartment. Main 16 2 MAFFIT. 131(1 Kive r.m A rent rea-onably. Call Main "53 DIVISION. S20 4-rooca part modern cottage.


CALL D. D. HILL, 614 MILLlKIN MAIN 373. ELITE FURNITURE STORE Wo pay cash for your used furnitur. and stoves.

We repair all klnda of stoves 103 jl. Water. Mam 601. WANTED TO BUY Clean rags for wiping machinery, 5 cents per pound. Bring to Herald office.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS 25 FOR SALE Linoleum 9xJ5. Also 5 "ft. bath tub. Call Sunday, 3 24'i N. Main or Mtin 3436.

DININ'G ROOM SUITE: pieces, new. A $200 value, only 3 suites left, a wonder value at the close-out price of 5129, and 2.50 weekly will pay for it. Wolfe's. 24 6 E. North St.

GAS PLATES 2 and 3 burner, new, J3.00 up. Rawl'g. 555 N. Water. QUEEN ANNE dining room outfit, writing desk, kitchen table, rug and baby buggy.

240 W. Johnson Ave. Fairvlew 265. CiTeFFORETTES, chlfforobes. tUlffoniers.

all odd pieces, 1-3 to off. Some es low as $11.50 Wolfe's, 246 E. North St. BREAKFAST suite Gray enamel, black trim. $34.50.

Rawl'e. 555 N. Avatar. BER-ROOM SUITE New in walnut finish. Bed.

dresser, and chest of drawers. $39.00. pay $2.00 weekly. Wolfe's, 240 E. North St.

THREE-PIECE mahogany living room suite. Also two rocking chairs. A bargain if taken quickly us I am leaving city. M. 4554.

DAVENETTE A bargain; buffet. TflS.OO Kitchen cabinet, a bargain, gaa stove, four burner $15.00. Decatur Furnlturs Exchange. 530 N. Water.

M. 4S31. OVER STUFFED SUITE New 3 pieces in Taupe veloiir a sample $100., pay weekly. Wolfe's, 246 North St. SPECIAL SALE of "DUTCH MAID" electric washing machines.

Price $52.50. Liberal credit terms. Phone fur uernonstra-tion. HAAS Main Ills. 923 N.

Water. DAY- BEDSi New open to full aize beds, with fui! flounced cretonne covered pads. $14.75 now. Pay $1.26 weekly. Wolfe's.

246 E. North St. LAUNDRY STOVE oil stove new gas plate $3.35: springs $1.25 up; 9rl2 used rugs $2.75. Buy sell rent. Davis Moving Storage.

M. 348. IF WE renovate your mattresses wo sell you new ones. We'll save you money. Decatur Jlattress Factory, 1025 N.

Water M. 1666. SIMMONS BEDS New walnut, $7.95. Fnv $1.25 weekly. Wolfe's, 245 E.

North St. rV'E BUY AND SELL used furniture, sew. lng machines. We sell It cheaper. 1111 N.

Water. ELECTRIC WASHER The Meadows new stylo Dolly Electric Washer; finest oi Its kind- Don't be without an electria washer at aurh a price. $05 cash. Terms if desired. Caloric Furn.

132 W. Wm. CARD TABLES Folding, green tor. reinforced. One to a customer, $1.49.

AVolfe's. 246 E. North St. WE PAY' Cash for stoves, refrigerators, furniture and rues. Perry's Second Hand E.

Eldorado. M. 2547. WE PAY CASH For furniture, rugs, refrigerator, stoves, eta Glt.e Furnitur Co. S25 N.

Water. Main 3657. KITCHEN CABINETS Buffets, golden oak Antique Square I'min; Dec. purn. Exchange, UH ill' Table $20.01) 530 Water FOLDING CHAIRS 3 to a customer, $1.00 each.

Wolfe's. 215 E. North St. A Meridith Outfit Are you tired of living in furnished rooms? Why not let us put one of our com- i plete outfits in a home for you and en- joy life as you should? Wo are showing an outfit this week consisting of "bed spring, mafiress. dresser, 2 rockers, library table, dinina I table.

6 chairs, 2 rugs and gas stove, all i for $83.25. Come In and talk It over. Meridith Storage and Furniture Co. 20 E. Cerro Gordo Sr.

Tiecatur. M. 205 "Y'our Credit Is Good." Unredeemed Storage Furniture S-plece Dining Room Suite. $200 valill $67.50 7-piece American walnut dining room suite $54.00 Ranges Davenports Devar.ettes Brass Beds Iron Beds Rugs Fine colden oak Library tables Small Dressers Bed Springs $30.00 up. up.

$10.06 $1.00 up. $3.00 up. $6.75 $15.00 $2.50 up ft. no bed $1.00 up. Meridith Storage and Furniture Co.

320 E. Cerro Cordo St. Decatur. Ill Phone Main 205. "Tour Credit Is "Good." MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 26 USED riANOP.hoFe "arc" fullv gGara'n-teed.

Priced from $05.00 up on convenient terms. Emerson Piano House, 145 N. MalnSt. U.L THIS WEEK we are to'hJv; a sale on rood used Pianos. Ever' ono is In first class condition and if ou want an excellent used niano a.

a very price come this vocw Pim-I ball's. 1-19 E. Main St. M. 24 7.

VICTOR slightly used. nprUsht case with 19 records. A bargain at 560.00- down. Convenient payments. Others and un.

The Decatur Music shop. 1 18 East William St. Main 1550. PLAY ER PI ANO Kimball- mr-Vo" PraV. tically new.

100 rolls. $175. 251 Centra A ve. THERE Is no use talking when it come! to cood piano." and player pianos. Kimball lead We give you more real piano value for your monev.

Alwavs see Kimball's. 143 E. Main St. Main THIS WEEK'S piano values. Ono Chick-ering.

Packard. Schiller. Lyon Hoalv, Baldwin two Emersons. ono Llnde-man Grand, a bargain and manv other makes to select from. Everv piano In this sale is guarant-cd bv William Gushard Co.

Two special values al J.e.vO. Pay onl $5.00 cash and th. piano will be delivered. Sec Gushard's for real used piano bargains this week, t.usliard Co. GOOD THINGS TO EAT 28 DELICIOUS Ben Davis, and TeT-rieties of Rock Spring road.

M. o0. 1133-13. Car of Apples On T. C.

track. North St. Crist jr.g. Kl 33 per bu. We deliver apples.

We also have potatoes. Bring container. Main 797. SEEDS AND PLANTS 29 PTILTTY TYPE Yellow Seed Corn Roy C. Phillips.

Lovington. R. 2. FUEL 30 PHONE MAIN 1382 for clean lump coai. Ky.

Hot Spot. Lincoln. Sprg. Quick de. liveries.

S61 E. Division. Bert Dillehunt. EASTERN KENTUCKY block and lum coal. Decatur 421 Wabash Ave M.

1670 and 1529. C. V. Cozad. Prop.

PHONE M. 2345 or Res. M. bjit grade coals and real service. Standard pries.

Liberty Coal Co. N. Main. COAL Lowest price. Prompt service.

Iill- nois Coal Cc E. A. Rogers. Prop. Offic Main S-64.

Rs. Main 2089. CUT KINDLING. furaaeTaiiiJ grate wood, $3 per load, deilvecd. Main 6109.

CLARK When you need Springfield. Moweaqua, Lincoln. or E. KentuckS Coal. $51 E.

Grand. M. in'. 2. ILLINOIS AND EASTERN Kentucky7! best.

Priced right. Prompt dllverv J. Shutt. S. Broadwav TYPEWRITERS 33 TYPEWRITERS Full stock of facte l-ceoullt typewriters.

Some machines. Gorges Typewriter Serv Co-351 N. Main St. Main 257S. TYPEWRITERS 33 i TYPEWRITERS Wader's.

SL 129 K. Slain. i HOUSES FOR RENT 59 CHURCH. S. 9-room modern house.

Close in. Fine for roomers. Main 6393. HICKORY'. 1604-rColtagc.

4 large rooms. $29 month. Main 6S3. CONDIT. 460 5 rooms, modern except neat.

KoasopaDlc, Mam wvi. KING, part modern house, garage. Fairvlew 1970. SAWYER, 32S Modern cottage. per mo.

Call Main iSlt. CURTIS. 10S4 4-room lishts and gas. M. 1577.

1530 N. Monroe. bouse. Electric Monday eve or NEW BUNGALOW for sale or rent Part modern. Garage.

Apply 139 Church St. MAIN. E. 1055 Modern 6-room house, hot water heat, also garage. WEST MARIETTA 6-room modern residence, vacant.

$30 per month. Main 2464. LARGE ROOMS Upstairs, modem except heat and bath. John Ray. 335 N.

Jasper. JORDAN. and garage 916 6-rooiu modern house-Countv 94S-12. WOODFORD. N-.

1510 4-room house. Modern. Garage. Fairvlew 953. ELDORADO.

727 5-room modern house. Phone Main 3426. Call 450 N. Morgan. 5-ROOM HOUSE.

17 Clark M.hclsoo. e. Mam Johns. Durfee. SAWYER.

326 Modern cottage. $35 per mo. Call Main 2313. CONDIT AND THIRD 5-room partly modern. Apply 451 N.

Water. M. 4J7S first and whitmer 5- rocm strictly modern brand now bung-nlow. Apply 431 N. Water.

Main 4478. WOODFORD. 4 -room partlj mpaern. Applv 451 N. Water.

Main 4478 APARTMENTS AND FLATS NICELT FURNISHED 4 room modern apartment. Ground floor. Good location. References. M.

1556. NORTH, W. UK e-room modern apartment. Private bath. City heat and water furnished.

Main "to. TWO NICELY furnish-! modern rooms! and hitch' n.i.e. Gas range In A dults. P. 2 15.

1.1 IN. 11., apartment, first floor, private entrance. Main MAIN. 1 .57 Third fk-or. 6-rooms.

Mod- ern except heat. Call M. "4S5. MAIN. S44 Moeller Bldg.

2-room front apartment. Heat and water furnished. References required. "Phone F. D-Moeller.

M. 264. After M. 3412. EDWARD.

t5S Four unfurnished rooms. Newly papered. All modern' with furnace. l- 24 4 4. WILLIAM, W.

231 small furnished or unfurnished, ci apartment MAIN 419 Strictly modern 6-room Call Main 4115 apartment. City heat. or Main FOUR ROOMS over Bachman Co. 2C1 Main. Heat, water, elevator.

$20.1.0. STORES. OFFICES FOR RENT (50 TWO FINE STORE ROOMS for rent In no liinxweiler Building on south Park street. Apply to Linxweiler Pnnt-itig Co. 239 South Park Street.

OFFICE ROOM for rent in the Linxweiler Building on South Park street. Apply to Linxweiler Printing Co. 259 South Park strict. SUBURBAN FOR RENT 61 ONE ACRE, good large-house. $15.

F'ive blocks shops Locust and 19th Flsk. Brush College road. -room shack east Wabash street. Harry KOR RENT Suburban place on hard road 1 mtle from city. Ad.

Box 3S7 Care I Herald. THREE P.CiO.M HOUSE. $10 month. Bin-j and iret rent free. I-airvu-w ST' A i GARAGES FOR RENT 63 GARAGE FOR RENT $3 pr mo.

$34 N. 1 6 1 MOVI'G. TRUCKJG. STORAGE HAl'LIN'; Coal, cinders, gravel, 64 larner. 940 w.

Fain 2423 WANTED All kinds of liKbt hauan ashe. cans, rubbish, from lot or Ca.h paid for all kinds of junk Mailt 5109. 1.11 KM'hllTS do vour mov'r neV. lng and storage- Call Parke Son. Main I 55.

621 N. Main St. MOVING Long a specialty. I do my own driiiuc insurance 4. Trace.

2S'i W. William. Main 36.7. riouc cno ocmt KtNT 65 ONE IH'XPKBll AND Till RTY-THRKE Acre farm for rent. Call 737 W.

Leaf- land. Fait-, 0-14. WANTED TO RENT 67 OR 7-R. modern. HOUSE.

Must be thoroughly est end location desired. 2dam REAL ESTATE HOUSEF. FOR SALE 6S HAVE BUYER for 7 room modern house. Near Roosevelt school. Triced around $1 folO.00.

Main 336. E. MAIN 5-room near First Al! modern; full lot; garace. C. N.

Gn--ham Son, 131 s. Water Mainj 95. 3-rooms niodern. Gas lange. Pull sized lot.

on asphalt pavement. Beautiful w. built home. $3250. Will take clear lot.

as it pavment. Balance monthly, a. L. Can trail, 210 Pa-hrach Bldg. M.

1587. WEST SIFE Elct-ant six-room Dutcli Colonial. Larg-- living room with fire place, r.inlt In cabinet. Breakfast noon, Tlard.vood floors. Gam finish, me bed rooms.

Lois of closets. Well built. Almost new Last front. reel. Half block to bus.

M. H. Bid- Main LAST Ck.se in. 7-room modern! bungalow. 3 fine bedrooms, hardwood floors, full lot.

garage and street paving paid. Absolutely in the best oii- cl*tion. Could not be duplicated for $7- '00. For quick sale. about cash.

Ask for Mr. Robertson. F-C6I. NORTH S-room al modern house on! paved street, lot Suited for two tamtlies. Owner leaving cltv.

1 Great bargain. Some terms. C. N. I ham Son.

134 S. Water. Main 438. NORTH SIDE 6-rOOm modern. Har.lnnr.ri floors.

baths, south front. 46 foot lot. garage. Can be bought with small pav- "cmJLOWn. STEWART 453-Hv house.

Dresser, bookcase, couch and ishes. BhfATLK, 726 New 6 rooms, bath, extra toilet, grate, mantel. closet, all built-in features (o make conveni it. Complete, artistically decorated, double garage. Walking distanro.

Near two schools. Reasonable pavment. Term Owner. Falrview k. Ix.enti:r.

NOR.TH New 4-room bungalow be started with oak floors nook, cahineis; 2 bedrooms or on- and dining room. Beautiful lot 4s'y c- Gorllam Main OAK ALE addition Here is cry ira.iive uve-room nuiigalow on paced three blocks from Dennis school-All modern. Extra h-avv hardwood floors. Fire place. Double built-in tirb.

Pine furnace. Garace. full lot. This Is a charming bom. In a cboico location.

M. H. Bidez, Main 6-room; CENTER. E. Close in.

Spl. ndid niodern bungalow with 3 Ab- in the best of condition let garage and street paving paid. Owner leaving the state is forced (o sell on'-e. Only 4 730. $500 down.

Aslt for Mr. Robertson. 664. A I NGTON SCHOOL Dl STTtTcTTZ. New 5-room thoroughly modern low.

For sale on terms. Main 3941 LBSTFJR FCxcellent corner lot 55x150 with large shade Six room part modem house on front: splendid building site for another house, on back. C. N. Gorham Son.

134 Water Main 49R. ORTH Very attractive five room all modem bungalow. Nice sized rooms. Breakfast nook. Double floors.

Fine lot. Half block to street, car. Convenient to St. Thomas schooL M. H.

Bldez. Main 7553. NORTHWEST Close to new Garfield school. Nl--e 6-room cottage with garage and coal house combined. Electric lights, gas in yard, water this spring.

Price $2,500. $259 down, balance $25 per month. D. D. Hill Son, 614 Mlllikin Main 373.

iBeATUR STREET WEST One the most pleasant homes in Decatur. You cannot build better and yon cannot replace for tho price. Six rooms; its a beauty inside and out. Call AL P. 156 So.

Water 6L K-661. I i I i i 1 I is H0U6E8 FOR 8 ALE BY OWNER 7-room realdnc. Buj ii, features. Close in- Idea home. Call 652 for appointment.

Call p. 2S1 4It 7 p. m. TWELVE BLOCKS EAST New J.ro, bungalow now under construction. Fire place, cabinets, breakfast nook built In tub.

oak floors, full lot with front; garage. $500 down. N. Son. Main 498.

cara EDWARD. NORTH 6-room partly reXi ern cottago. Garage, full lot, big hac trees. Paving paid. East front.

Good i. cation. Price $3,300. Terms. DONALDSON REAL EST ATS CO 113? S.

Mal-i Phone Main 707 EAST SI DH Nifty five-room alFrTp: bungalow. Hardwood floors wit, built itnd nicely finished. Fast Garage. M. H.

Mala WHITMER. E. 1460 Two "room hoT. u.i Cj, rrc dh n-r. MY 5-ROOM BUNG A LOW J-orest avenue.

Fireplace tur.v, large basem*nt, att'le. and' Jiarca 1. iiiln for appointment. KAIRVIEW th ionir liviry a Harn.n on 5.. floor: 2 large airy bedwma ana ba-h -nd floor.

Hardwood floors, bui't ,2 features, ex.ra nice lot with plci- 'Jl fruit. Concreted drive and or Main Il.a CENTRAL AVENUE FECI At" UAi.v tn t-room I modern cofa*g. tun jot witn Owner aacrlflcing and leav bargain. $200 down will handle "c's Gorbam son. 131 s.

Water LOCUST, 2212 New wood floors, 2 clot-ets. room. Ustri- xioiit cuo- b.iard. -lecric lights. Porch T'-rr.

Clttec. Bid EAST JOHNS at 7th A tlonally mil arranged and hvmg rc.jm replace, oak fleers all 1 and furnishincs i with th home. Owner ci." i6 S. SEVEN-ROOM COTTAGE. W.

part modern. $:0" down. 6 roo-i house P. Wood. Bargain rosin lious-.

close in. part modern ISf.o or w-) one C-rcom partly modern. In good Condi tion.23rerrr.F. Main 655-1 JASPER S. fi.ree-.

jiarawooa rioors. Gar re. i cry reasor.nlijc. owner. iain A'ND r-iFTrTroLLARs DOAN fjo month buvs a 4-room part modern house with garage.

Lot Southeast part, al! assessments paiLM. -pj-tor M. 1275. 157S 5-room house. Part moi- ern.

ull lot. Garage. $3,250. Mor. ih.

haif casfi. room brick, slate roof, full lot. I'aveJ fc.r.-.-t. $15'io. J.

P'e a. N. Water. Main 62. PRAIRIE, low.

lull E-, 5-room modern bura. lot. garage. A real harcain. an good terms.

New 4-room. Can make good t-rms. W. H. Smith.

F. 1IS1 HOMELAND ADDITION 4-room house. lights, fi.tnres. half block to ar. Small payment.

$20 NORTH WEST $3300: $300 down buT, niodern 5-room Bungalow. Oak floort 1 uil front lot and garage. Mupt sell by March 1st. Call owner. Main 336 or MODERN SIX ROOM resldeuce.

one bed on first lloor. two on seeocd. Puch stre-t school. Main 2464. WILI.IA M.

low $263 1. T. i E. 5-room part mod. bunsra-1 $20u down, per month, ill.

M. 97. AND. 14 4 By orit-r. 4 rooms on I lot.

ha roo m. ry cl c.osvt. and fixtures. pas cay water, furl concrete bae-mcnt, parage. lose to StJcv'e and Wabash hop.

I'iK-cd for quick talc. J'oisetsioa at once. GOOD BUY On 7 room, mod-a bungalow, garage, long living room fir, place Lot 5oxl50. AH assessments Palo. price NORTH modern MAIN 6 room bungalow, alt ll garage.

$4750. $50O down. Hazen field Realty Co. 211 N. MAIN ST.

MAIN EAST MAIN 4 large rooms, lights, cerlf cash. A. L. Can-trail lit Bachra.b Bldg. Main 15ST.

Blocks wiv-Tfe offer a new tenser nirniane Innp room with fireplace, bedroom and bsth on 1st floor. Fine slceiilng porch cn Sr.4. SUxlOtl with carage. East Prairie Modern room residence, domvstatrs bedroom ar.d bath, hot water heat, full lot and garage. $4,000.

DicWrcrn r-i Office Main 2(64. Residence Main NEW HOMES VK V. ILL BUILD for you for oik oi terms. If you have your lot we will finance ycu. J.

E. A. Donovan, P. 634. $500 Down Buys ro-rn new modern, burgalotr.

eart pr. Oak pb stove, shades and linoleum furnirhed A real home. Pric SO. sion. Alo 5 room part E.

F. Drobisch Son Merrhnnt Main INT. "KOZY room modern bungalow with hard- oc.d Piece. Long living room with fire- dinlr.g room, 2 bedrooms, built In features in kitchen. Pull basem*nt, and hot air heat, oarage.

Priced to Terms. WILCOX KUNARD OS P. William Main 16f' BRICK BUNGALOW WP.STLAWN AVENUE: Here Is a very attractive five room bungalow, nicely located and within ono half block of West Main car 1 lie. This bungalow was built by th owner for a home, and is well arranged with large living room with fireplace, sun room adjoining, dining room, two bedrooms and attractive bath, just the right size kitchen, with many built in conveniences, full basem*nt, excellent, furnace. Situated on a lot 40x150 feet with dandy brick garage.

A small down payment makes it possible for responsible Parly to handle this property just like renting. The owner. Mr. Hagan. w4U be at the St.

Nicholas Hotel starting Tuetday. Feb. 16th between hours of 10-2 4-5; and 7-9 evenings. Attractive Homes Dennis addition lots 'will increase rapld.y in value, raving goes in this spring, N. W.

The last of our 13 bungalows ready to show and lis a danry. t- rooms, nicely decorated, shades. 016 floors, screens, full lot. yard sodded. A good at $300 down.

N. W. 4 room modern Colonial. place, r-tc. ease terms.

Wom: Have sold our third hiirh atra'l brick home on Linden Dennis dition. Will start another at once. Our homes are establishing a good tlon for attractiveness and quality. East William; 2 car garage on full lot. 2600 block.

A bargain at $800 for quick sale. Has brick flue. Cobb Odor, Realtors 615 Mlllikin Pldg. Majn116t Selling Your Property Effecting a satisfactory sale on property is a matter requiring careful handling. A successful sale Is one that advantageous to both buyer and seller In a satisfactory sale what is one man gain is never another roan's loss.

S-II-ing your property means giving careful thought to the selection of an agent. Too should satisfy yourself he is tha man you want to deal through. The agent once selected, you will get the best results bv cooperating with him and sticking with him until the sale Is msde-Nothlng cheapens a property like shopping It around from ono broker to another on short listings. If you will place an. equitable price on your prlperty, I solialt the listing ano guarantee -nercetle PERSONAL attention, M.

H. BIDEZ, Realtor 27J0 Standard Life Bldg. Slain nouses jonas Aoi. $0 or oown. $1,750.

K. P. Schwartx. with L. S.

I rokerage 225 N. Main. "We wj.j hulld for you." HLE.NT STATIONS TOMfiHT CENTRAL: KFPM. TILLS. KYW, tVB'-N WEBH.



u'Ki" wrko. FAK WEST: KH.l. KF'SN. TODAY'S ltK-T FEATURES p. wrP.

M68 5). Washington M-iltl" Memorial p. WHNY New York. p. WGH.

(3191, B'lfialff. Allen Band. WNYC Nw Y'ork. Maine I ir-am. p.

wry.a. Richmond. Temple Shr'ne Biui'l. WOE Fit'sbursh. Fi'te-hurgh K' 'i.

p. KsL. (53.1. St. Leum.

Scotch program. U'FA'" (491. 5t New York. "La Fo'ntiamhula." lf WOO. WJAR.


313.1. Buffalo. Buffalo Ana 'tut' p. (299 si. Atlantic 'lt.

p. V.KNY. S-ve Yor. Spirts r. I OHO a.

WI.S. (31 1. mib-ago. Home V-y. is.

F. I-. a. AVIS', tSi.J.a.i. hf-ago.

Shut- T'l. liT 1 J-'" a. WHT.t ''bicago. Betty I VVnV j'm" Chicago, pfr.ni. V'T Chle-im.

VI f-i 1 Market r. port, oj' Clii'-ago. Home Il'Va mr. WHT. 0i.

Chl-a5o Tilts: KTW. Chicago Table Villi'1' h. V.IIAS 1 LoulB'-llle, W.f.n.UV ervl'T- WHT Orsan cincert. lit Chicago. F.

L. pro- nu.V'pVm.. f. l.W. Cincinnati.

Ko- (483.5). Davenport. WGX. (303 8). Chicago.

l.un' iitoTl rnusi' v. iiT 0 r- Ch'cago. Llveatock (535.41. Chicago. Lunch Concert pro- WMA.

HITtl. -ago. Farm school; 53:.4.. Chicago. Buainesa re- (303.S).

Chicago. Tea (31. Chicago. Davenport. hom*o Chicago.

hom*o Econom- S.Ji.'V.w'i;?: "ic-go Tea va" Cincinnati. Stud-Ut WI.P1. Newark. Hinncr concert. EAF.

New York. Inner mu-(3Ui. New Tork. L'nrlo Park. Organ: bao; (3ll.

C1n VaU Omaha. Sport, talk; CS3.5)). Pinner eon-WTAM Clev.land. Dinner con- Kc-rV. Honaton.

Kld- Plt.t.burgh. Con- Dinner mu.lc UOLS). Hotel con- (1.4. Mlnnapnlla-6t. PauL CDl.a).

Phtl-dTlhla. Concert or-NTirtSt). Buffalo. Tork- r'rn" TorV. Crman (M.

V.lwauk... Twilight (t7S.1i. Hartford. Children', i.rosram: Hub Trio. P.

Atlan.10 Ci-y. Morton Trio: organ. Shenandoah. :00 p. KM A- TBMm Chicago.

Vocal and t- wVfSrJw). VvBf'JJ 3. frrlnsfl.ld. (1SS.M. Waahlngton.

Main. raul. S'k-- "hoo! A New Tork. Columbia WFn Allen The- WFlMrVhlli-d-lphl rare or- Schenectady. Agrlcultur- 'Swi, New Tork.

Orehtra: rhii.v...:rhi. vn. Wlr; Goldkettc'a Or-a'jfU Tor. Tinner con-WKKC. Cincinnati.

Roehr'a Chicago, supper Bell New Tork. German leo- lor.i- iiarmr. tVRNT. CeS.S'. N-'f ork" or.l'-str.

WKW. TarrMown. m- 0, AM1-. M.1W.UW. Athletic! Tw.l.gM WpV WAW.

Omaha, rop- itl-hmoniJ P- I HH1. (4M.31. t.5M.rth. sun.hire; UvV T. n.itn.l.-lPt.H.

fr.rnVr WFAF. (451.M. New York. L'- Ivv Patlaa. l' Five c.N con- tul'tR.

Atlantic City. lndtrlatj WIS. (5.t. New Y.MK. Kn-ertaln- (3JI S.

Dream! At'" WOO. Hit: tarl-l H.n "rchetta. WMCA. l3t'. N.

Tork. Kuril In. 1 WMKiSll. Nashville. Concert or-j ches.ra.

Hartford. WVYC. New York. Mat M. L.t-rary XYJAK, (3S9.I..

riS.5. New Tork. Kuwaa! I of Minn, propro m. WDAF, (65.ti, Kansas City. "Around fit Town." WKAF.

(491.5). New York. A. A P. p.ie.s al.so WJA WOO.

WJ, WSAI. WPhZI. WCAP. WLiR. (31'Ji.

Buffalo. Musical program. WHN, (3ril.2), New Tork. Songs; poems; quarr. WH Al.

(275), Milwaukee. Marquette program. W.II:. (3t7. Ponriac.

Paipe program. WJZ, (15. New Tork. Philharmonic 4 Cincinnati, vocat ano Instrumental W1.IT. 304.3).

Theatre. WLW. (422.3) Philadelphia. Stanley Cincinnati. Concert; tenor.

WNYC. (525). New Tork. Glee Club, Snn of St. Patrick.

WMAK. Buffalo. S. A. Muslcale.

(440.3), Jefferson City. studio (293. S). Atlantic City. Concert Or-hstia.

wkva. 2.i'.). Uichiiioiid. Va. Ta.k; a Temple Shrine Band.

YSB t42.31. Atlanta. Orchestra. WSl'. Worcester.

Robin Hood Hour. WTIC (475.9). Hartford. Banjo ft Man- p. KFAP, (310.S), Lincoln Char- mr )av ce enrati'Mi.

8:311. p. KOA. Denver. FS, Springfield.

ndmun. Radio Movie flub- WFAA. Dallas. A ricuitural t.ioirraiu. WCAL.

(33.9l. NorthfleM, Olaf i oncert Band WCAT (27S), Philadelphia, M'nn. St. The Mon-Orchestra; Nighfers. JAP.

(332.7. tVaro, Tex. p.ipniiir songs. tiNY. (2iS WSt New Tork.

Iowa City, la. riano Musical Hartford. Bond Dance Orchestra p. in. WM' (499- Memphis.

Anselcs. Tirnirra n.iiii t. Kl'l. (471. Ashninn's ra.

KFKX. (2JJ.3) Hastings stud'o. i.nu 15 4.31. Hotel Clarke Wash. Sher- man Clay Studio program.

KOA. (322.41. lii'. K.IK (354 41. Seattle.

spanish Instroc-Pears- Roebuck KM (2321. Shenandoah Grady F.irntvim Trio. K1V. (42S.3.1. Sin Francisco.

Fair- m.V!l Hotel V.S11 1 315.11. St. Louis. Scotch pro-. snrlnrs.

Dance KTUS. 37t.l. WHVG UiShmon Hill. Popu- Soprano; pirtnlM cm! i nlto. Mlnn- apolis-St.

raul. wrro. nub con- (319i Holmes Fund. FI. (3IS.61.

Marlml'. sriw.il. Arcadiai Will. P.in.-e vocal f(1 WOAW. WOK.

i er- ecil. NCarW. rcad- AN. T.awrcnc eb'rg. Tenn.

irtet Atlantic Cl Til'-' New York. Ferru -ot's Can-Iygran; CcSto. 8.d:. 3c.6 I'lillm s. Fas Or Irg-d "ketbsll P.

of Idaho 41 Ieorr Sclv. OA Kl-iis. '37' 5 wrings nutlet: taltr. W. (iTi).

Phil. l.l',1. iflS.5'. New Yor. Leonard's Or- chest r.

1 1 1'. (351.1 Iphi. Vau.ic- WiM. At ri I 175 3. Vpvi'iMt, wjuu IO-IH1 p.

Ki Scrc. A rr (4::.... ot! Kiiii Wc.ih port. Mu, Los Angeles, i lOusrtef. i I Ladies' Con- Educational Or.k Parr: Onkl.n-L Studio prcg-am.

Tlener. Vocal S-vn Frarsc s-c. Org.m re- KIN" 74.51. Ho' St-- The Feoley i. Bcrnie's 191.51 New t'f 't, tra.

K. (4: 3) Ri; tsb-rgS Sons. Radio Vauic- i i i Paro- i said lr. notified and re-i quested attend for p-irpose. of hsv- lor tn sama ac.mstel.

Ail persons debtcd io s.i!.; estate Rre requested to me. immediate pa; nlent to under- Pi ted a January. 1J25 E. I.AWREN. F.

FKALT MMlLLtN. Attorneys. A I. F. rccefred' by -f Purchase, and Supplies of the Depnr.ment of Purchases and ronvrucllon.

3( t.f.'ic-e the Capitol Sprintfi-id. tlllrols. until 2 p. February 17. -7.

ter furnishing and delivering 1.6:9 t-ns o' asphalt "--F-'' and 227 tons ef anhalt filler "10-3" to the Division of and delivering n-l ir.itn!;ir? nnc sia-ionarv briclt b-ke oven at ill. nets Re-fonatetr. tliineis. Full iii'-vrmies upon application tp Division of Purchases and Th. rrh; Is reserved to rejee; acy ana a-I bids.


Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)


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What is it like to live in Decatur IL? ›

Decatur is in Macon County. Living in Decatur offers residents a dense suburban feel and most residents own their homes. In Decatur there are a lot of bars and parks. Many families, young professionals, and retirees live in Decatur and residents tend to have moderate political views.

Is Decatur IL a small town? ›

Decatur (/dɪˈkeɪtər/ dih-KAY-tər) is the largest city in and the county seat of Macon County, Illinois, United States. The city was founded in 1829 and is situated along the Sangamon River and Lake Decatur in Central Illinois. As of the 2020 census, it had a population of 70,522.

How do I send a letter to the Herald? ›

  1. Letters to the editor: Email letters@nzherald.co.nz.
  2. To make a complaint: The Herald is subject to NZME's code of conduct and ethics and also to NZ Media Council procedures.
  3. New Zealand Herald newsroom News hotline: 0800 HERALD (0800 437-253) Send an email: newsdesk@nzherald.co.nz.

How do you send an email to a newspaper editor? ›

Writing E-mails to Editors: How to Pitch, Correspond, and Present Yourself Professionally
  1. Prioritize Your Subject. ...
  2. Make the Body Work For You. ...
  3. Keep it Simple. ...
  4. Link to Your Talent. ...
  5. Query Emails. ...
  6. Strike a Personal Note. ...
  7. Stick to One Idea. ...
  8. Ensure You Get the Reply You Want.

How much is the Herald subscription? ›

The standard cost of a Herald Premium digital subscription costs $6 per week, charged every four weeks (28 days). Alternatively, you can purchase a full year subscription for $199.

How do I cancel a subscription without calling? ›

You can cancel the subscriptions by emailing the service providers. If this proves elusive, then go through your bank statements going back 12 months. Look out for regular subscriptions that you forgot or are fraudulent. You can cancel them via the respective websites or by emailing the respective companies.

How do I unsubscribe from Herald? ›

Access nzherald.co.nz, make sure you are signed in with your email and password, and click your name on the top right corner. 3. Scroll down, then click on the “Cancel subscription” button.

Why are people leaving Decatur, IL? ›

Increasing state and local tax burdens, combined with stagnant income growth, are going to hurt residents wherever they reside – and give many a reason to leave. Decatur has seen that firsthand.

Does Decatur, IL smell bad? ›

Within the city limits are a number of significant processing plants that give off considerable steam that have intense smell associated to the products that they process. One processes corn into products such as liquid corn sweeteners and corn starch. The odor is that of somewhat overcooked popcorn.

What is Decatur, Illinois known for? ›

In 1922 the city became a centre of soybean production when the first major commercial production plant was opened there. With the establishment of other soybean processing plants, the city became known as the “Soybean Capital of the World.”

How do I contact the Herald editor? ›

Complaints and requests for editorial corrections or clarifications should be referred to the editor in the first instance, who can be contacted as follows: editor@heraldandtimes.co.uk.

How do I email the Herald Dispatch? ›


How do I email the I newspaper? ›

If you wish to complain about our editorial coverage, especially with relation to inaccuracy or intrusion, please write to The Editor at i, 9 Derry Street, London, W8 5HY, or email reader@inews.co.uk.

How do I email unfortunate news? ›

Don't bury the bad news in a long paragraph or use euphemisms or jargon that may obscure the message. Instead, state the bad news directly and briefly, using simple and polite language. Explain the reason for the bad news, if possible, and avoid blaming or criticizing anyone.

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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

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Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.