Sidney Daily News from Sidney, Ohio (2024)

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43 Soldiers Say Markets Auglaize No 2 White Oats 32 Iba Miami because Infant WALLPAPE RS OR EASY HANGING BLACKSTON Mgr HOLY ANGELS TRUMPET 118 Main Ave PHONE 2401 1 No 1 Monday October 4 1954 WANT MORE OR Alumni Notes New Beans MARKET YOUR SOYBEANS Market Information new day Efficient Handling Saves You Time ARM ft BUREAU BROWN HARDIN PHONE 2681 0 I ME l73 Vendor's License Margie Brandt 310 Williple street Wapakoneta greeting cards Marriage Licenses Walter Yount 84 Greenville Township and Opal Magoto 49 Adams Township Extras Get The case between Willene Helm linR' and Donald Helmlinger has been dismissed since the parties have reconciled IMPERIAL IS PACKAGED TO PROTECT TRIMMED EDGES THE SIDNEY DAILY NEWS Monday October 4 1954 USE SIDNEY DAILY NEWS CLASSIIED ADS Dog Warden Willard Brown Logan Coun ty dog warden reported 31 stray dogs picked up during September In addition he investigated five sheep claims and one turkey claim our sheep kifling dogs were de stroyed and one dog was left in the pound on Oct 1 A total of $14 was turned into the dog and kennel fund Madeira Skinner has been granted a divorce from Kathleen Virginia Skinner The court held that Mrs Skinner was guilty of gross neglect of duty and extreme eruelty READY TO BUY tenant George Neville grade 9 and Second Lieutenant JerrJ Schemmel of grade 9 RENT CLARKE Rug and a pit ihampoo equip ment Giver you profes sional results at half the cost Monroe DiMagglo Marriage On Rocks HOLLYWOOD (INS) Marilyn Monroe revealed through her studio today that she and former baseball star Joe DiMaggio have separated The shapely blonde star who rose to fame with the aid of a nude calendar picture said she is consulting her attorney Jerry Glesler and will file suit for di vorce in California Work goes faster for the craftsman Jack Jill Shop 114 North West Avenue has the finest selection of gifts for the new baby Held In Slaying Of Man In Tavern YOUNGSTOWN (INS) Youngs town police today held a 46 year old man In connection with the Licenses Gillespie Oil Co 245 West Colum bus avenue by Alice Ann Pruett wholesale end retail petroleum pro ducts Mrs Josephine Harris RD 1 Lakeview apparel Betty Jean LaHigfi Middleburg Stanley products plus six percent on the amount and court costs Heintz according to the petition had paid the feed company bill with a bank check but at the time he had no funds ion deposit Clerk of Courts Logan County residents pur chased 67 new passenger cars in September according to certificates of title issued by Ruth Cranston clerk of courts In addition certi cates of title were issued during the month for 15 new trucks 37 used trucks four new bousetrailers 10 used housetrailens five used motorcycles two used motorscoot ers and one used school bus Music Groups Plan Activities THROUGH ARM BUREAU let us fell you how to hang wallpaper or recommend a competent paperhanger A A Classes Hold Elections Leo Krebs Leads Class Of 55 Darke Probate Court John Engelken executor of the estate of Clara A Dershem de ceased filed inventory and ap praisem*nt Hearing: October 21 at 9 am Also filed petition to sell personal property at private sale Order of private sale issued Sue Dettman and Glenn Barr administrator wwa? of the estate of Martin Barr filed first ac count Lynn Hole appointed adminis trator of the estate of Lydia Wise deceased Bond $10000 Mary Burk administratrix of the estate of Hellie Oswalt de ceased filed first and final ac count gational Christian Church that they have borrowed $5000 from the Citi ens National Bank West Milton and given the bank a note and mortgage Judge Porter will hear a con tempt citation Oct 15 filed by Jane Rohrer of Tipp City against John Rohrer Lima for failure to pay support for their minor child Judge Robert Riegel of Green ville sentenced Paul Snider of Pi qua to one to seven year? in the Ohio Reformatory for malicious destruction of Ash street bridge Piqua and one to 20 years for takjpg an auto without the consent He had been placed on probation last December and failed to report regularly to Probation Officer Charles Green Easier for the home decorator who decides tohangit herself COLDWATER HOSPITAL Admittances: Sister Mary Serena Minster medical John Naumann Cincinnati sur gical Dismissals: Mrs Rose Grleshop Recov ery mill ARE NOW PRECISION Real Estate Transfers Robert Coffey et ux to Charles Brockman et ux 3 acres Harri son Township Kay Hadley et al to Harry Mikesell et ux pt lots 505 506 Wayne Lakes John A Seger et ux to Paul Seman et ux lots 557 558 Ver sailles MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Admittances: Mrs Paul Tinnerman Wapako neta medical Mrs A Sanford St Marys medical Mrs i William Ganger St Marys medical Mrs Elizabeth Vogel St Marys medical Miss Mary Jane Colvin St Ma rys medical Mrs loyd Glass St Marys medical Dismissals: Miss Jean ishbaugh 2 Miss Pamela Henning St Marys Mrs Anna Witlenbrink New Bre men i Mrs Paul Lungsford 2 Master Danny Holt St Marys Mr and Mrs Walter Powell of Springfield were guests Saturday and Sunday with Mr and Mrs Niswonger of Piper street Prloea 66 54 56 54 65 47 8 31 33 84 35 18 30 58 57 64 65 54 55 53 46 38 31 The traditional freshmen initia tion dance sponsored by the seniors was held in the school auditorium riday evening September 24 as a fitting climax to a day of for the Greenies A few days before the "big each little freshman received a let ter from the seniors warning him of what was expected of him Most seniors were escorted to school in the morning by their "greenie" At noon a picnic lunch was en joyed by both classes in the court of the Main Street school Each freshie brought his lunch Promptly at twelve a Sidney police car drove up waiting to es cort the senior freshman parade The line of march led down Main Street to Water then up South Ohio over South street and back to the Main Street school The was pre sented in the evening from seven to eight for the pleasure of parents and friends Each fresh man was required to perform some stunt prepared by the seniors These proved to be clever and en joyable both for seniors and fresh men who displayed real comrade ship and spirit Then freshman as guests of the seniors enjoyed a dance In the assembly hall To the class of 1955 goes the hearty congratulations of the fresh man tor an ideal initiation Real Estate Transfers Mary Beaver et al to Charles Beaver et al Bradford Grace Deeter to Emry Dee ter 88 acres Newton Township and lot Covington Harry Archer et al to Herman Pansing 2924 acres Bethel Township Hubert Roark et al to Thomas Darst et al lot Roark subdivi sion Union Township Victor Hoover et al to John Weaver et al lot West Milton Joe Hixson et al to John Zar Vcky lot Piqua Lillian McConnell et al to James Hays et al lot Piqua Tipp Builders Inc to Robert Winkler et al lot Tipp City Lawrence Wiley et al to Earl Summer et al lot Tipp City Arthur Arnett et al to Harvey Arnett one acre Newton Township Lois Sohm Gilbey et al to Bob Kraus lot West Milton Kenneth McMaken et al to' Clif ford Utterback et al lot Piqua Suit brought by American Bud getCo New Bremen against ran cewKohnen has been dismissed since judgment has been paid Dis missal was on application of the loan firm Shelby Real Estate Transfers Nolan Hain to Oscar and Mary A Swiger lots 99 and 100 Pem jfirtw red and "Agnes Reiss to Charles and Martha Cline hens west half ofinlot 1501 ried man Addition Sidney erree Inc to George and Dorothy Moses lot 10 erree sub division Sidney A and Cly Shane to Wesley and Dorothy A Bumham two acres Cotterman arm Plat Orange Township Cecil and Mary Imogene Si moCAto Donald and Gertrude Glaser one half acre southeast quarter section 15 Loramie Town chip Ralph and Evelyn Pepiot to ran cis and rances Moorman five tenths acre southeast quarter' sec tion 15 Loramie Township Ralph and Evelyn Pepiot to Al fred and Norma Jean Moorman five tenths acre southeast quarter section 15 Loramie Township Clarence and Caroline Duck wo rife to Al and Hilda Win 9193 acres northwest and quarter section 5 rank lin Township 1 Charles and Wilma Doffer to Nor man Cooper inlot 2385 Sidney Raymond and Patricia Dal ton to Herbert and Waneta ay Reeder lot 61 east part of lot 60 east part of lot 60 Parkwood Addi tion Sidney College beHs ring for several members of the class of 1954 On the University of Dayton cam pus can be found Nancy Mcar land David rancis James Mann and Patrick Richard Brandewie has chosen the University of Detroit John Mc Carthy St Xavier Cincinnati and Daniel Meyer St Gregory Seminary Cincinnati Barbara Raterman and Jo Ann Schneider joined the nurses at Good Samaritan Hospital train ing school Dayton St Marys of the Woods College Terre Haute Indiana has wel comed Sylvia Diqkas During the past weeks the mem bers of the office practice class were given very interesting demon strations on the hand driven and electric mimeographs and the RC Allen typewriter by representatives from Lima and Dayton Instructions were received on the operation of the new A Dick electric mimeograph and also on the Gestetner machine Of special interest to the class was the quick and simple demonstration of chang ing from one color to another This operation is expertly done the Gestetner pair Dries said he and Pisk be long to the Seventh 532nd intelligence unit and were assigned to the border area as interrogators He said they were on a routine mission and "definitely on the Ger man side of the The Czech border guards he said shouted and then seized the two Americans and marched them across the frontier After being handcuffed and blind folded they were taken to a mili tary installation and put into cells Once again Holy Angels Music department is in full swing The school band under the capa ble leadership of ranklin Schaef er has resumed practice They are in the midst of preparation for par ticipation in the Holy Name rally to be held at Celina October 10 Mr Schaefer spends Thursday of every wdek at Holy Angels teaching the drums and various wind instru ments' As a fitting closing to the Mariari Year the Senior Glee Club are preparing a Marian program It is based on the Joyful Mysteries of the rosary in honor ofOur Lady of atima and will be presented around the east of Our Lady De cember 8 by Charles George an operetta will be given by the combined Junior and Glee Clubs The theme of the Operetta is the interesting story of Tom Sawyer and Huck inn told in song WILSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Admittances: Charles Hughes 818 North Second i avenue medical Mrs loyd Smith 409 ourth avenue medical Jeffrey Barber 813 Spruce street surgery Stanley Slonkosky 815 Montrose street surgery James Doseck 804 West North street medical George Higgins 1105 North Main avenue medical Mrs Wilbur Piper 226 Columbia Boulevard meaicai Nona Bunch 614 North avenue medical Dismissals: Mrs Cleveland Cox daughter Vicki Ranae Mound street Mrs John Taylor infant son John William Jackson Center Mrs Edward Campbell Infant daughter Jamie South Ohio avenue Mrs Darrell Vorhees infant son Troy Randall oraker avenue Mrs James Puckett infant son James Robert Jackson Center Mrs Cleo Stewart infant son Russell Michael Crescent Drive Joyce Knob South Walnut ave nue Mrs Effie Wade North Main avenue s' red Zimpfer 4 Sidney Thomas Hagan Port Jefferson In iplte of 'U much smaller wheat crop In county farmers sold more wheat through their own facilities than they did in '53 which was the best year ever Com Students See Off Machines Demonstrated held at Hotel Morrison Chi cago enjoyed her week going to school Classes on sodality proce dure etc? were held regularly and to miss a class was miss too was comment Sight seeing and the social side was not neglected which made the week well worth while Joseph Salm and Wayne Spolt man completed the program by relating their interesting exper iences at which proved to be fun filled as well as educational Both delegates and members of their audience agree that exper iences such as these are truly worthwhile 7 Student Who Is He? A STUDENT is the most import ant person in our business A STUDENT is not dependent upon we are dependent upon him A STUDENT is not an interrup tion of our he is the pur pose of it A STUDENT does us a favor when he we are not doing him a favor by serving him A STUDENT is part of our busi not an outsider A STUDENT is not a cold statis he is a flesh and blood human being with feelings and emotions like our own A STUDENT is not some one to argue or match wits A STUDENT is one who brings us his wants it is our job to fill those wants A STUDENT is deserving of the most courteous and attentive treat ment we can give him A STUDENT is the life of this and every other school Anonymous Elmer and Klane Roberts plain tiff in a partition of real estate suit were found by Judge Huber A Beery to be each entitled to a one twenty fourth part on the property located in Salem Township ritzie Mae Stengemen was found to be the ovir of the biggest share one halR Also entitled to one twenty fourth interest the count found Mary Jane Ward and Anna Zobosky One sixth interest Was awarded Benjamin Bowers while one eighteenth in terest was found due both Dora Cargill and Wade Cargill The two tracts of land consist of 391 acres in one with 80 in the other reshmen Initiation Reveals Talent And School Spirit SIDNEY PAINT CO Logan Common Pleas Court Earl Pence Lakeview was freed from the Logan County jail on a writ of habeas corpus issued by Judge Elmer Gedwin following a hearing on a petition for the writ filed by Mr attorney The petitioner presented evidence that he was sentenced by Stokes Township Justice of the Peace Roy Cooper on a non existent statue charging intoxication and disor derly conduct The penalty imposed was $100 and costs and 30 days in the county jail The magistrate re lied upon the older Ohio State Code it was contended The new re vised code does not make provi sion for a penalty for violations Pence had been in the county jaij since Sept 23 Lloyd Reams' 623 South De troit street has filed suit against Evelyn Reams 132 Washington avenue asking a divorce on ground of gross neglect of duty and ex treme cruelty They were married on June 29 1945 at Springfield He asks custody of their three chil dren an dthe couple chattel prop erty The Bellefontaine National Bank Bellefontaine has taken a cognovit judgment for $39616 plus interest against Pearl Knox 2 West Liberty and asks foreclosure of a chattel mortgage on an automobile Basis of the judg ment is a 12 month $40280 note ex ecuted on March 11 SIDNEY GRAIN October 1 1954 rw a mq wneat per bu leva new O'Dwyer To Testify WASHINGTON Rep Pat rick Hillings (R) Calif an nounced today that William former mayor of New York and ex ambassador to Mex ico will testify in Los Angeles Oct 14 and 15 on Communist infiltra tion of Latin America Produoera co op Market Hogs 140 160 lb 81175 160 180 lb 81880: 180 330 lb 1835 330 340 lb 819 340 360 lb 31850: 360 380 lb 818 380 300 lb 81750 300 350 Jb 81650 Rough! 300 lb down 01780 300 360 lb 31050 380 400 lb 810 400 450 lb 81635 450 800 lb 81485 500 550 lb 81350 550 000 lb 313 600 lb up 31380 CHICAGO Oct 4 1964 Hog! Balsble 10000 steady Early top 31935 bulk 3181935 heavy 1910 medium 8191001955 light 8130 1935 light light! 31801850 packing SOW! 81801875 pigs 810016 Cattle Balable 5000 steady 50c lower Calves salable SOO steady Choice to prime steers 835 0 3938 common to choice 81603460 yearlings 81603880 hellers 81403550 cows 87014 bulls 8101450 oalves 314033 teeder steers 8153375 Stocker steers 815033 Stocker cows and belters 810019 Sheep Salable 3000 steady Choice and prime lambs 83080031 common to choice 31005035 yearlings 81301780 ewes 840550 Homes Damaged WILLOUGHBY (INS) ifty homes in the Ridge Acres allot ment in Willoughby were damaged to the extent of $50000 early today when storm sewers backed up and looded the "ellings' during a heavy rainstorm No CommissioR to pay! See our large attractive display EXCHANGE JACKSON CENTER PHONE 2611 Holy Angels High School student body took time out a few days ago to elect class officers for the com ing year as leaders in their various activities Leo Krebs carried the senior vote for president with Wayne Spoltman swing as vice president Mary Lra Magoto was chosen for the secretarial office while Elizabeth Broerman will take care of the class treasury Juniors elected Gretchen Steinle its their choice for president and Douglas Soder vice president Sec retary of the class is Pete Pointner and Barbara Simons will serve as treasurer I Receiving the largest number of i votes of the sophom*ore class WU ll McClain gained the presiden tial office Michael Scully was cho sen vice preident Betty rantz secretary and David Meyer treas urer 7' reshmen officers for the year include Jerome Delong pres ident Thomas Salm vice presi dent William i Meyer secretary and William Davis treasurer Judge David Porter modified a restraining order in a divorce suit of Lillian Hardesty against Guy Hardesty of 1437 Covington avenue Piqua Guy Hardesty was permitted to sell supplies and equipment in his work as heating contractor He was ordered to pay utility bills at their residence and pay his wife $10 a week pending hearing the suit Marjorie ox 2 Troy sued Earl ox 3 Troy for divorce restraining order ali mony and custody of children Mrs ox alleged that they were married March 17 1940 at Vandalia They have four minor children She charged her husband had been ex tremely criiel with both her and the children Judge Porter approved a report of trustees of Ludlow alls Congre Siftoey Municipal Cowt Civil News Botkins Grain and eed Co has filed suit against Claude Heintz Jackson Center asking for $144 Coming Events! Sober 2 east of the Guar dian Angels 3 Holy Angels Celebra 2:30 pm in church 6 School Pictures i 7 east of the Holy Rosary 8 Day 10 Holy Name St Church Celina 12 Columbus ree 15 irst Six Weeks Reports Miami Common Pleas Court Miami County grand jury will meet today and Tuesday to consid er 37 cases bound over to it since May and probably several others submitted on information by Pros ecutor James DeWeese and his assistant Richard Wilson Among those committed from Troy are: Gordon Wilson of Casstown auto theft George Clin ton breaking and entering and lar ceny Robert I Harry A A Brown and Clarence Manson non support all by Justice Leo Gross from Piqua municipal court John Arnett and Louis Sullen berger forgery August Maxon non support Wade ritz posses sion of lewd pictures and Edward Minniear armed robbery all committed to county jail Those free on bond include from juvenile court Donald Justice of Crawford street Troy for second degree manslaughter in an auto death from Justice Gross court Charles Quillen Jr and Arnold Emerick breaking and' entering and larceny Douglas Baker copu lation with a hog Howard Butch er of Dayton Melvin Hankey Darnell Davis William Bailey Emerson Reynolds all non support and Dave Piatt larceny by trick and A King failure to give bus title since obtained rom Piqua municipal court out on bond James Anderson cutting with intent to wound Elster Moore incest William Hurley John Henry Shoulders Bernard Graven II John Burnside William Justice all non Support Harold Burton and Robert Kinsinger ut tering false checks Robert Bates forgery Robert Cozatt and Robert Wion felonious assault Committed by Justice rye of Monroe Township Albert McConnell for false statement The Qitizens National Bank of Covington was granted cognovit judgmena against Carl India and Yount for $32501 Defendants had signed a note for $105201 last i Nov 21 payable $59 a month at i eight per cent interest A car pledged as payment was sold Sept 29 for $695 after only $32 in payments had been made the bank charged Subscription Drive Successful The Catholic Digest Magazine Drive carried on by Holy Angels Students for the past ten days has been termed by all a Mary Anthony grade 8 was gen eral chairman and performed her duties like a veteran Captains were selected from the sixth seventh and eighth grades took care of subscriptions turned in by all of the grades Prizes are to be award ed to everyone bringing in two sub scriptions High point man for the entire drive was Josephine rantz grade seven who will receive a wrist watch for her good work The percentage gained by the school in this project will be used to help defray expenses for desks for the new school Chairman of the drive captains and faculty express their appre ciation to all parishoners and all friends who subscribed to the drive Seniors Sponsor irst Assembly of the senior class took over the first general assembly of high school students on Wednes day morning September 8 in the school gym with Leo Krebs mas ter of ceremonies Three dozen freshmen were wel comed into the high school ranks twenty three boys and fifteen girls This first general assembly fea tured the senior students who rep resented Holy Angels at various conventions during the summer Time limited the reports to the highlights of the week Raymond Davis and Jerry Schmidt delegates to gave interesting points of their days spent at Xavier Univer sity Cincinnati Elizabeth Broer man spent an enjoyable ten days as delegate to and is convinced that by do is the best way to learnjhe workings of our government Delegates to the Stu Mission told' of their inspiring and interesting stay at Notre Dame August 26 to 29 Boarding the were Marilyn Crown and Ruth Ann Dressman seniors and Kathleen Smith and Miriam Hunter June graduates Overlive thousand mis sion delegates assembled on the campus to listen to an exiled Chi nese Cardinal and Bishops and priests who had spent year behind the bamboo and iron curtain An excellent example of true mission ary spirit was to be found in the nine chartered buses which brought the delegates from New Orleans Ann Gallagher delegate to the School of Catholis Ac New Students Are Welcomed The Seniors welcomed two members to their class this year Janies Bowman who left for the seminary from Holy Angels eighth grade has returned to graduate with his classmates Eddie rantz who hails from Versailles High has joined the class of Betty raptz sister has been welcomed by the sophom*ores and Beverly Bensman from Mc Cartyville has cast her lot with the freshmen Donna rantz has entered the seventh grade Marjlee Becker all the way from Pisco California and Margaret Raterman from ort Loramie are newcomers to grade five Patrol Boys Take Up Duties Holy' Angels Safety Patrol is on the job again guarding the inter sections at Main and Water and Ohio and Water Sts so that the will be able to cross the highway safely The Patrol is under the super vision of Captain Thomas Motsing er who replaces Danny Meyers who is now enrolled in St Seminary Cincin nati Ohio Assisting the Captain are Lieu Ceremony The long awaited ring ceremony took place on riday morning Oc tober 1 in the senior home room Monsignor Lehman blessed the class and then presented toem to each senior Eyes shone and rings sparkled as each stu ldt realized his senior year had officially begun In ins taiK tortile gracuates Consignor Lehman stressed the lignificance of the class ring to iacil Jiiviuudi al iB uic oymuui ui dl the student has been taught and lould we an untainng reminder if their Catholic traditions" MONUMENTS MARKERS inest Granites Artistic 111 I it Ai designs ana fiorxmansnip Mother Of our ound Strangled CLEVELAND A 27 year old woman who was found stran gled to death in an empty lot in suburban Bedford has been iden tified as Mrs Glendora Thomas mother of four children' Mrs father made the identification Sunday after reading the story in a Cleveland paper Mrs scantily clad body was found by three Bedford rub bish collectors Saturday in an empty lot Cuyahoga County Coroner Sam uel Gerber said she had been manually strangled but had not been sexually attacked Mrs Thomas left her home riday evening and told her father she was out with friends" You Get Highest Net Prices You Get Benefit of Accurate VERSAILLES EGG MARKET October 1 1854 Receipts: 5774 Cases Grades Jumbos A Large Specials Large Large Large Medium A Small A Assorted Checks Brown Jumbos A Brown Large Specials Brown Large A Brown Large Extras Brown Large Rrnwn Martlum A Brown Small A 33 POULTRY PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION Box 8 Versailles Ohio CLEVELAND Oct 4 1064 Hogs 1400 early market steady 146 185 lbs 81650017 160 180 lbs 81738 010 180 330 lbs 81960 330 350 lbs 31001035 350 300 lbs 318010 300 400 lbs 315760 1775 pigs 8147501635 packing sows 3137501778 stage 813351535 Cattle 1600 steers steady to strong cows steady Choice to prime 32450 0 37 good to choice 831336O common to medium 815016 medium to good heifers 31418 cannor and cutter cows 86500 fat heavy bulls 313018: bologna buUs 814017 medium to good 317030 good to choice yearling heifers 31003150 common to medium heifers 81014 choice to prime yearling heifers 333033 medium to good cows 89600 1380 Calves 500 market steady Choice to prime 833036 good to choice 818038 common to fair 813015 fair to good 81518 culls 810013 Sheep 1000 market steady Good to choice spring lambs 81903050 fair to good 817010 common to fair 813010 culls and skips 810013 common to fair yearlings 88013 ewes 338 CININNATI Oct 4 1054 Livestock as reported by Producers Livestock Co Operative Association: Hogs 1400 prices fully steady 100 340 butchers 8193501000 sows steady to 35o higher 8146001750 Boars steady to 35o lower 311 5001175 Cattle 3400 prices steady to 35o higher steers and heifers: prime 836 choice 833 034 utUlty to good 810030 cows: utility to common 8013 canner and cutter 8709 bulls: utility to com mon 813013 50 Calves 350 good to prime 818037 utility to common 813017 Sheep and lambs 500 prices steady to weak: choice to prime 833 033 aged sheep 8305 feeder lambs 813015 Brothers Admit Going Over To Reds Voluntarily BERLIN Two American brothers originally believed kid naped by the Reds appeared at a Communist staged news confer ence in East Berlin today and said they had gone to the Soviet zone voluntarily The surprise news conference cleared up the mystery surround ing the (fisappearance of William Henry Starr and James Starr of WestvilleNJ who vanished from tiie allied zone of Germany last month William dressed in a cheap tight fitting blue suit with a red patterned necktie appeared nerv ous as he answered questions put to him by newsmen He said he intended to be an electrician in east Germany and added that he and James had an apartment in East Berlin He refused to say if he or James had been members of the Com munist party in the United States 'After the news conference hajj ended' William told International News Service that he his political activities in America He said he had four other broth ers living in America and was not worried about his mother because he was sure they would take care of her 7 But he continued to avoid ques tions about his political activities in America and finally fled from the INS correspondent when a Communist propaganda official ordered him to leave the room During the news conference Wil liam used language from the Communist textbook Steel Ingot Up or Third Week CLEVELAND Steel maga zine said today the expected au tumn upturn in the steel business is here with steel ingot production on an upswing for the third con secutive week two point rise in the week ended Oct 3 put the ingot rate up to 68S percent of capacity the highest since Steel said the last three weeks ingot prcriuction has risen five points" thtf weekly metalworking maga zine pointed out i The magazine said the increase does not come from new orders but comes partly from prepara tion of the steel industry to meet orders that are expected to come out in the next few weeks To be ready the magazine ex plained mills are building up stocks of semi finished steel par ticularly slabs that will be trans formed into hot rolled and cold rolled sheets for the automobile industry where bulk of the rise In steel demand is expected to come from automotive demand for steel resumes to the extent expected steel deliveries may not be quite as prompt as they are Steel aid Recent A little son arrived in Wilson Me morial Hospital at 6:04 pm Satur day to Mr and Mrs Wilbur Poep pleman 2 Anna Airman Second Class and Mrs Jerrole Slonkosky of Portland Ore gon are announcing the birth of a daughter Deborah Ann born Sat urday at 10:54 pm She weighed eight pounds and ten ounces at birth The grandparents are Mr and Mrs Lawrence Pequlgnot and deputy Sheriff and Mrs Lee Slonkosky of Sidney Mr and Mrs Ed Ambos of Botkins are tht graet grandparents At 4 49 Sunday a little boy arrived in Wilson Memorial Hospital to Mr and Mrs Howard Looney 134 West Clay street a girl for Mr and Mrs Ern est Davis 2 Sidney born at 12:52 am today inWilson Me morial Hospital A daughter was born at 4:10 am today in Wilson Memorial Hospi tal to Mr and Mrs King 112 Rowan avenue Mr and Mrs Paul A Zaengleln of Botkins are proud parents of a daughter born at 8:38 am in Wil son Memorial Hospital Mr and Mrs A Sanford St Marys riday Mr and Mrs Paul Tinnerman Wapakoneta girl Saturday I slaying of a 29 year old railroad WUlft OdlVL ULU U15 Oil CUfcUUJCllV over payment of a 25 cent bet Police said the suspect has ad mitted shooting James White dur ing a quarrel in a tavern over the money White was shot in the chest but fled from the tavern His body was found lying along the railroad tracks early Sunday morning ive county Court News designs and Workmanship TO YOU LOW COST remberg this morning that the Czech Communists Questioned Mm at great length about details of Marriaifft Licenses atomic weapons Germany Richard A Gullette 22 Perrvisn western Europe Twp Air orce and GtergianaLJ1? Jane Mitchell 22 notblnS about 'these mat Twp secretary Rev Coleman 7ln a Tkmaid Rnhn 94 Lima in Acting as spokesman for the 1 nflir IJriAC cniH ha onri Vic strument repairman ana lois Jean Zickafoose 17 Duchouquet Twp accounting clerk Rev Ira Jones Consent of Clarence and Hazel Zickafodse Real Estate transfers A Brown to William and Jennie Quinn lots 1403 1404 1405 1406 Addition Wapako neta $1 4 Allie and WalterGossard to Rev Robert and Marjorie Ellis lot 102 'Nazarene Center St Marys $1 Virgil and ern Hirshfeld to My ron Eversman part of lot 52 origin al plat New Bremen $1 Curtis and Marguerite Lib 1 bee Alfred Monnin part of section 18 St Marys $1 New York Central Railroad Co 1 to Joseph and Lucile Williams 451 1 acres section 4 St Marys $850 Betty ishbaugh appointed Tin nJ Tn guardian of Jane Boesel a confined 1 1 IV tl3 JLllvll LU person to serve under $10000 bond inventory anu aieu i A 1 a ft f'fteVAft Hi ujt cd ia it ui iwoa vjiuuci ue ceased Hearing uct za a NUREMBERG (INS) Two Amer ourth partial account hied in jean soldiers who were held for 15 the matter of the guardianship ofays by the Czech Communists Charles Geib incompetent said the Reds them Hearing Nov 2 10 am with ten years in as "espio Inventory and appraisem*nt filed jnage unless they Im 4U ft ftf 1X741 It rvi Arnnlrl Hl Ulc COLalC VI Hiuiaiu nmuiU razier deceased Hearing Nov 1 10 am inal and distributive account approved and settled in the estate of Jacob Bigler deceased inal and distributive account ap proved and settled In the estate of Charles Harrod deceased Schedule of claims approved and settled in the estate of Charles pressure nowarn hm easeu irst final and distributive ac Sept 17 by Red border guards dur AftsiftL AmnmAnrtW nnd (nrilart (hn1 to spying 1st 'Lt Richard Dries of St Albans Long Island and Pfc George Pisk of Austin Texas were released by the Reds Saturday Today newly promoted' to captain said the Communists did not harm him physically but ex erted Dsvcholoslcal II UJOIUC 7 The two soldiers were seized count approved and settled in thejng a routine patrol along the estate of Charles Howard de Czech Bavarian frontier CPHSfid TlriflC fXinvr aam Schedule of claims approved and bars told newsmen in Nu seiuvu in wit vi vuauca Harrod deceased I 'MlP RIAL 'AMA I lllk I a Now NO 3 White Osts 34 lbs 74 Now No 3 White Oats 36 lbs 75 New No 3 Yellow Beans per bu 340 Old Corn 1578 310 No 3 Barley 93 No 1 Rye 130 CHICAGO GRAIN Oot 1 1954 Tester To Year day day Ago Wheat Dee 316V8 316 193 1 May 315 315 195 July '104 304 180 Corn Dec 150 151 145 I May 156 160 149 July 155 156 148 Oats Deo 77 79 74 May 77 78 73 July 75 69 Beans Nov 369 367 360 Jan 373 371 363 Mar 374 373 363 WAPAKONETA Oct 4 1954 THE GOODS GRANITE CO I MIAMI PHONE 81441 51 DNtY OHIO II IIB.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Views: 6062

Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.