The Richmond Sun from Richmond, Indiana (2024)

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The Richmond Suni

Richmond, Indiana

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ISH AM BIRDS RICHMOND DEMOCRAT Publish eh JAMES ELDER lion fointkkm Blood i COUGH SYRUP Tickling Sensation in the Throat Whooping Cough 161876050 0 OR SALE BY ALL RREGGlSTSt SB 15469090 $1566728750 $3625181: Total without interest 433679 797 Total debt $2011154853 12340584 Total interest 829500 240960971 55064345 12618400 nki 71535590 0H 240960971 240960975 by 14662941 of 655198 3531898 4 316681016 30702596 1134328 OR NOT THE BROKEN BANK 1 $2035252 98 RESUME THE NEWS Purifies A well aa Beautifies the ub flwnMvc this day period ul our Months 6 1623512 1292470 51467272 1652248 16904576 $5101200 33 9150 1742050 $600 10 346681016 12100 23150 door Ix ll She ms i without ornaments 346741056 8310000 71 55590 7093151 Total for 1880 Total lor 1881 Increase 382000000 382000000 36149132 648500 755000 2350000 4350000 487000 450000 2441122 296657 $1012000 00 500000 00 3030 00 rlO 894182 351 851450 322555965 ll fx idf 1811000 2893190 1240942 6524 85500 00 32500 00 28500 00 the fugitive ririricahiuis over th line nr troops recently entered Mexican terriloiy tihvtil a pro tesu Onlv one person wot save! from the wreck of the British strainer Calliope from Udessa fur Bre men lost on the SpMiULh euast Lieutenant rederick CoIBbr one of the most Tho £4 Uh and Game Laws of Indiana afl Amended 511 Pronounced by all to be the most Pleasant and Efficacious remedy now ia use for the cure of rH OV rfrerf anti recom 1tf tAemedLl fat prvfrooion for liytiitfpttiii general '1 nlull Mr Grorgo Drake 18 Oak street Indiaa apolis Ind suffered terribly with rheumatism Ho used St Jacobs Oil and was entirely cured Spirit of the Times OVER A MILLION BOTTLES SOLD WITHIN THE LAST'EW YEARS Section led Whoever or places in any stream lake or pond any lime or other deleterious stiLsktnce with the intent to injure fish or any drug medicated bait coculus mdicns or ifah berries with ipteut thereby to (xiison or catch fish shall be fined not more than $50 nor less than $10 167 Whoever sets any gill net or who uses a seine or puls into the water a tirp not or nt her net (excepting a minnow rom the Atlanta (Ga) Sunday Phono graph: The editor of the Pikes County News has been eared of rheumatismby St Jacobs Oil 192500 00 117000 00 COUGHS COLDS HOARSENESS INLUENZA 1OI 41 51 2 5i 5i lOi 00 00 00 60 87 273478 00 14 4 31 5OI 1 or Lobb of Appetite NauseaTofqjnavh Medicine can not be surpassed The proprietors have certificates enough on hand to nil a good sized volume all of them the free will offerings of those who have been cured by the Blood end for circulars Sold by all druggists Public Debt Statement Washington Nov 1 The follow ing is a statement of the public debt: Six percent bonds continued at per cent 8 ive per cent bonds continued at per cent our and a half percents our per cents Refunding certificates Navy pension fund Total interest bearing debt Matured debt Legal tenders Certificates of deposit Gold and silver certificates ractional currency Bonded Debt Sr tA Nov3TTleSoriateto jlay con eurrecT in4 the House amendment to the bond bill and it now goes to the Governor for his signature' Sellers Co Proprietors Pittsburgh Pa Liver' Pills cure Live Complaint Headache Costiveness Dizziness everer Hiftow wnd Ague rs HID fw dl O7U Total Avoiluhle Afifiptfi Cash in Treasury 8 Bonds issued to Pacific Railway Com panies interest payable in lawful money principal ouisuiuuiiig Interest accrued and not yet paid interest paid by United States Interest repaid by Companies transportation service By cash payments 5 per cent not earnmes Balance of interest paid by United States Coined during October Eagles Half Eagles Standard silver dollars olticc nt West Mentor which owes its existence to the fact that Garfield once lived there Letter oi condolence nre pprhap I he most numerous but these are now outnumbered by quaint requests of all imaginary kinds for relics and keepsakes The residence Mrs Garfield has rented in Cleveland Is one of the prettiot on uel id avenue and very convenient to business places churches ami be wools Impoliteness is derived from two sources indifference to the divine and contempt for the human 401504900 250000000 738749750 598050 14000000 was svlllvd on her features which makes her look a dozen years older than when she left for Wash jnglon last spring '1 he house is miich the same 'I he General's study was eloped and had a gloomy apeimn but the spacious drawing loom and vnrior was open A bright wood fire glowed in the great fire place before which the younger children were grouped with honks and papers Mrs Garfield was busily engage puck UK her household goods preparatory to the departure for Cleveland To the correspondent's question as to her residence the coining winter she said: see 1 am busy parking up Wc have concluded to make our home in Cleveland the coming winter and will occupy the residence of Judge Burke on Euclid avenue My three youngest children willbe with "1 i When do vou We shall'go the latter part of the prescur week ftnd remain until about the Is at present in on but will come to Cleveland ami make her home with us this win ter She is now in excellent better than at any lime for several months 4 )o vou retain Mr yes He will attend to all the financial ullairs and to the Washington business The residence and farm here will still be occupied by my brother Mr you will not dispose of this place? w'e will make this our summer yonr health Mrs Garfield theimbhc would be glad to kuw something as to that? am quite well This lake breeze is tefresha ing and invigorating and I always like the pure country atmosphere about Mentor Then urn a frequent drive and plenty to do in the honfee serve to ep me All during tbeaftern on Mrs Garfield was busy storhigaway in boxes and trunks such household utensils as will be needed in the Cleveland borne At Carlisle' Ind Triday night the dry goods ttore of Akin A Son was burglarized and $2100 in money taken Rose Gordon alias Pelton an inmate of a house lknie at Van JVert committed suicideriday by taking opium a "Colonel Kelton Adjutant General of the Divis ion of the Pacific says the Indian troubles in Ari zona are ended unless the Mexicans drive back arrived at his Chicago the Journal of that Tucker hU Aou iu law ashm A Bishop Sued for Libel sa A New York special of November 2 says: Rev Samuel Hinman began recently a 'suit in the Supreme Court againt Rev William II Hare Missionary Bishop of Nebraska to recover $2590 damages for alleged libel A A Mr Hinman has been for seventeen years a Missionary of the Protestant Episcopal Church among the Hanlee tribe of PakotA Indians Bishop Harein March 187s suspended him and he de manded atrial before the Ecclesiastical Court The Court was appointed but no trial was had Mr Hinman afterward published a pamphlet in hich he attacked Bishop Hare who 1x79 pub lished areplv He declared Mr Hinman had the reputation In the Indian country of being an abandoned profligate The Superintendent of one of the boarding schools under the charge of tho hioccsr had reported to him (Bishop Hare) that Hinman behaved in a most scandalous manner toward the older and prettier young women of the school He said on ie occasion to a young woman: love yon you walk with me to nigbl? I want to ta'k to The parents refused to semi their daughters to the school be cause they weie exposed to the importunities of the missionary Bishop Hare also asserted that a lady came to him with a complaint Hinman to my meal alarm seized me firmly around the waist and though I struggled to get away from him he kissed me several times and refused to let me a The statement of Hare in renly to Mr Hinmftn'spamphlet eonxlitulus a libel for which the suit was brought In answer the complaint Bishop are alleges that he made the statements in order to protect his (dliciul ami private character against the charges brought against him By the plaintiff lie acted out of a sense' of duty to the Church of which he was a Bishop and to the Missionary Board which he represents 'i he case came up before Justice Potter a few days ago on a motion fur a CommissionAo take testimony in some of the States and Western Ter ritories Justice Putter in a rendered to day says: action is for libel growing out of a phmph let publication by eacli party in relation to the other in support of his conduct as Bishop and missionary among the Indians The parties both reside in the Stale uf Nebraska or the Territories lying beyond The plaintiff had a legal right to bring the action in this State but the reasons for doing ko are not very manifest Whatever may be 1 am quite sure from what was disclosed on the motion that the trial ill not be likely to increase the amount of contributions to convert the Indians Christianity or to increase the re spect of the Indians for some of its professors Perhaps it was thought the further away from the Indians the trial should be had the better it would be for llimr Notes fit for circulation sorted and returned liunbu for iuaiin Notes unfit for circulation as sorted and delivered to iComntroller Currency for destruction and replacement with now notes 3805600 Notes failed liquidating and reducing banks deposited in Treasury 1140400 ReffidVes TfinTplmples reckles Moth Patched and every blemiuh on beauty It haa stood the test of thirty years and la so barm it to be sure the preparation la prvpvriy uuuie Accept no counterfeit of sim ilar name The distinguished Dr a Sayre saidtoajLady of the haute ton (a you ladles will use them I recommend as the least harmful of all the skin Also Poudre Subtle removes superfluous" hair without inlury to tbeaktn Mfe GOURAUD Sole Prop 4k Bond Street Nevr York 9 OK BALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS THE REAM HIE SPECIALS Tlte flaHUhli I ft A pRinstillc (Ohio) speelrtl of November 2 gys: A representative of the Tim railed at Gar tiidil residnne In Meidnr to day to el from Mrs Gai own lips a Malvmvnt of her plan for We admire the philosophy of the unfortunate man who when everything hnd been swept away said Well be weather and taxes left aX any Alas! weather is the dog" of all subjects everyone thinks it his special right tu try to better the weather and hurls his anathemas against Old Probabilities" and all who endeavor to assist him in regulating the weather The follow ing communication is from Prof Tice of St Louis Mo the renowned meteorologist ami weather prophet of the West It does not discuss the weather but something surely of more importance to those who sutler with that painful malady be scaks of: vihy after concluding my lectures at BurlingtonI '5 $17280500 15287350 1993 The statement of the Comptroller of the Currency shows the amount of National Bank notes and legal tender notes outstand ing at the dates of the passage of the act of June 20 1874 January 1 1 1875 and May 31 1878 together with the amounts standing and the date of increase or decrease National Bank notes standing June 2 17 1 I Amount outstanding January 14 1875 Amount outstanding May 31 1878 Amount outstanding at the date of our circulation our note gold bonds not included (9)4) Tn create last month Increase since November 1 1880 Legal tender Amount outstanding June 201874 Amount outstanding January 14 1875 Amount retired under the actol Jan uary 14 lb75 Muy 31 1878 Amount outstanding on and since May 31 Amount over deposit with the Treas urer of the United States to redeem notes insolvent and liquidating banks and banks retiring the cir culation under the act of June 20 1874 Decrease in deposits during the last month Increase in deposit since Novem ber 1 Additional circulation Surrendered and destroyed Nut increase in circulation 1116 Government Report of Its Present Assets and Liabili ties' New York 'Nov The Advertiser publishes the following: Government Ex aminer of the National Bank has finished his preliminary labors and forwarded hi a leporl to the Comptroller of the Currency at Washington and left the bank in the hands of the Receiver The following shows the real condition of the accounts as the Examiner leaves them The details will appear in the official report Illy 41 ill UL I I lo 1 i 1 1 vx 1 vtl 1 lu( a Bills discounted I United states Bonds Reul estate Balances due from banks other than New York Rank notes and specie Checks on Newark and New York banka Cash items Due from United States ireasnrer Oyenlrafts Total Capital stock 4 Surplus and profits Circulation Amount duedepoMkirewwwr rr Amount due banks Overdraft at National a suggestion and left the accused free to choose which course he wished to adopt Captain Baker the counsel wished to know whether the same Court would try the second set of charges should it be decided to ask a separation to which the Judge Advocate replied he could not make such an agreement but as far as he was concerned all the present members of the present Court would be asked to serve on the second trial tA give the defendant time to consider his best course' The Court adjourned till to morrow GKMLKMEM: 1 wus tufferuiK fruui dwbinty to such an extbut tbut my lubir wasuiceedinglybur 'tii' 'dauMomu to mt A vac ation of a month did not Riva me much relief but oo the contrary wus followed by inciwbbed probtratioo and sinking chills Atthlatiina I began the of yiitir IikinTGmc tioiowbkhl rr iiiied almost immediate and wonderful results Tbeold enori'y returned and I found that myuaturul force was not iHsrmaueQtly abated I have used three oottlea of the Tonic Since usiny it I have done twice the la txr that 1 ever did in the same lime during my illness and with duuldd the ease: With the tranquil nerve and vigor of body hns come also a clearness of thought nbver before enjoyed Jftbe Tonic bes nut dime the work I kuow not what 1 give It the credit Watson Pastor Christian Chnr Troy Month as to 8 155200 home on Wednesday and rilv savs: ished him by calling him AN Ohio man recently sent a letter tp the I dent asking fora loan and Inclosing his note fori the amount he wanted payable in sixty days 1 He is new just about getting letter and note back again CONGRESSMAN lUCHARhUROWLEY Of NeW York Arthur's candidate for the Senate when Blatt was elected is believed to be the prospective successor uf Robertson al the head of the New York Custom House I Minister West Is mentioned ns the possessor of ihe most charming manners in the worM Hist little speech on board the Indiana to the I delphiaus who welcomed him was graceful I and gracious as possible He is In his fifty first I year Is it possible that Mr Dorsey can have forgotten that Mr Astor's name all the in the in vitation to the great banquet tendered him at I ebruary in acknowledgement of great with which he made I Indiana all right for the Republican pariy? York World I Jcdgb Charles olgek the new Secretary of the Treasury was born in an old fashioned wooden house In Nantucket Ills ancestors were I men of some of them men of re markable learning and scientific and mechanical skill Abiah olger an aunt many times ie moved of the new Secretary was the mother uf Benjamin ranklin DfhiEY who has been rewarded for helping Dorsey to secure Indiana by I with the Couimtssionershlp of Pensions now pro I poses to ask for the use in his bureau next year uf I 1120000600? The Tribune in July thought the prospect of a demand for I'M) 000000 as well It might Will the Tribune support Mr Dudley's new demand? And Is it for this that the Times is defending the inquisitorial internal revenue system York World Tyner will soon lie corning back to Pern and asking the eople of his District tu givchbpp complete vindication of his official conduct by electing him to Congress MWhun Uunkling and Platt bolted from the Senate and Hew to the amis of their constituency fur a vindication they met with (nite a and bitter disappointment They were both left out In the cold while wor thier men were chosen to warm their vacate I seats in the Senate Tyner ought to meet with the same experience if he sets himself up as a Congressional Rochester Sentinel Wiujam Vkawon akrothcr of General A and of and Pearson uf Pittsburg died in that city on Wednesday morning of paral ysis of the hearL The deceased was for twenty years engaged In the minstrel business and was a member of the famous Christy troupe In 1863 when General Pearson was Major of the one "''Hundred and ifty fifth Pennsylvania Volun teers William sent beautiful stand of colors to the regiment then lying at almouth Va He wasmarried in England where he leaves wife and three children He returned home upon thedeath of his father about three years ago His stage name was William IL Collins He was a genial popular manf oreigners do not know what to make of American nicknames convey no meaning to them ical history Urich in nicknames and Then there have been It must be confessed that our po lit leal nicknames are striking and original In no other country is there anything like the sig nificance given to the slang political appellations Abroad the Dames of political groups suggests certain definite views as for instance Radical Liberals Conservatives but American party names are due to accidental coalitions of otlicc holders or those who desire to be such i i (Iowa on the 21st of December last I was seized with a sudden attack of neuralgia in the chest giving me excruciating pain and almost prevent mg breathing My pulseusUHily 8U fell to 25iniehse nausea of the htomaci succeeded and aeohl clammy swear covered my entire body The attending licitin could lo nothing to re lieve me Aftcc suffering for three hours' I as I had been using Jacobs Oil with Tgood effect for rheinnntic I would try it I saturated a piece of flannel large enungh tq cover nay chest jvilh Oil and applied it The ipelief was i almost Instantaneous one hour I 'Twas bntirely free front pain anfl would have gaken the trnhi to fill hn appointment that night a neighboring town had nw friends not ais xuadedme As it was I took the night train for iny home In St Louis and have not been troubled since i 5 vr named William Harris who frequently dellTered workrtiune by fils father and collected ike money foj it Hemer gate him orders cither raised aUove the trne amount br entirely false and they div idrni thip money between them Harris was dlsi naxged lorsnme reason and has since become a notorious sneak thief He was succeeded in 11 confidence by auiith named anil he in turn by anufher named Ahisbury who wrs working with Heiner when their ojieralions wore (b iectod Both Harris and mgiilaily i levied blackmail on Heim after they left the firm's employ and he was obliged to furnish them with a fixed sum cveiy week Heiner cun sses that be liegau his operation soon after en teihig the employ of the firm six years ago ami 1 it is estimated that his stealings have averaged 1500 per month during that time He made no defense but admitted bis guile and was placed under $3u0u bail for trial Ills three accomplices weie also arrested audfwera held in $1000 each 8j Why Ereuont Resigned A Washington special says: Inquiry infrequently madcbout the cause of General oi the position of rc mor of Arizona an authoritative source the answer is that the President sent a communication to Governor remont informing the latter that his resignation would be accepted i and the resignation was accordingly forwarded General remont does not seem to nave cared to discuss the why or the wherefore but evidently divined tle reason that induced the President's request which was the almost continued absence of remont from the Territory uf The ejgbborliood of New seems tu have had such attractions for General remont that he keepaway from It He had merely pul in an appearance in the Territory pro forma as it were and then commenced to draw his salary a little Notwithstanding the un nt tractive climate and generally unpromising po litical character of the Terrltoryrthere are even patriots wnu have made known their willingness tu sacrifice the comfort luxuries of the more civilized regions of our dbmmon country and take charge of the gubernatorial chair of Arizona ft appears the income derived by Uncle Sam uy way of internal revenue from the Territory of Arizunais indifferent in lheaggregate and that it costs nearly as much to Collect the taxes as they amount to Onc during the term of GeneralGrant as President theCOminKsfrfliers of Internal Revenue asked the General if we better 5 drop that concern out of the account The total annual tax then collected was $1820 and after paying expenses the Government had $150 left Dead at His ett A Richmond (Va) special saysf A gentlefiian who arrived In the city yesterday furnishes the details ot a most tragic and dis tressing suicide which occurred Monday night at tlie residence oi Mr Joseph Blanton in Cum berland County A voting man named Richard Kirk from Mobile Ala who had lately gradu ated from the University of Nerth Carolina had been for some time paying his devoirs to Miss Kate aris also of Mobile The parents of the voting lady objected to bis attentions and in or der to put a stop to them sent her on a visit to Mr Blanton who is a relative or connection of the arts family The young man it seems deter mined not to be thwarted and started from Mo bile last week to see his love In Virginia Arrived at armville ho drove to Mr house severr miles distant on Monday morning last Jils reception by the object oljris affections it is presumed was anything but favorable for he left $lr Blanton's house very precipitately and re jturnlng totarmville was observed to indulge quit4 freely in strong drink Daring iheearly afternoon 10s said he went td a gunsmith named Baker procured a pistol which he got Baker to load for him He then hired a team from Smithson's liverv stable tak ing with him a colored man named George Diggs and drove back to Mr house It was then late in the afternoon and the gentleman of the house observing his excited condition was at first little inclined to allow the young lady to see nlin He was however finally announced but Miss aris would only consent to "see him in com pany with Miss Willie Blanton The two young ladies accordingly went to thaparlor ana out of abundantcautioH Mr Blanton accompanied them They had scarcely entered when Kirk whispered to Miss aris and she requested Mr Blanton td retire Mr Blanton withdrew to the hall where he w'alkud up and down near at hand as if fearing some trouble In a few moments the rejwrt oi a pistol was heard Rushing into the parlor Mr Blanton beheld Miss aris lying on the floor He picked her up and carried her to the sofa under the impression she had been shut He soon found she had only swooned and looking arqund beheld young Kirk stretched dead upon thu floor Hu had shot himself through the head the ball entering the right car and going directly throughhe head had passed out the left ear Statement of United States Currency Out standing Washington Oct The following is a statement of the Cnited States currency out stanaing at mis date: Old demand notes Legal tender notes all issues One year notes of '63 'Two year notes of Two year coupon notes of Compound interest notes ractional currency all issues YTta f2 lThe statement of the disposition made bytlielrnitedStates Treasurer of National Bank notes redeemed dnringtbe month and tne tour months which ended compared with the corresponding Hast yearis as follows: When the New York Republican State Con vention met hi New York City the unsettled law business of President Arthur required' several I days nf the most assiduous labor to settle and close it up and it is doubtful whether he would have been able to settle It at all had it not been for the timely aid rendered him day and night by Ixigan of 'Illinois Cameron of Penn sylvanla Blair of New Hampshire Jones of Nevada and others who knew just what atten tion? the private business affairs needed The election takes place iu New York on Tuesday next and President Arthur has dh oovered that much of his private business remains fKhsettledr Notwithstanding die efforts made to Inclose it up a month ago He has therefore de serted the Capital for New York taken rooms on the same floor with Conkling at the ifth Avenue Hotel and it Is known that he possibly close up his confused private business attain until after election Philadelphia Times Mr Edward A reeman in his last lecture at hhe Lowell Institute on Saturday evening said in speaking of his visit to Bunker Hill: "I did feel that my heart and syinpathfewere with those who built there on that height the redoubU rather than with those who attacked them I I could have entered most fully into the spirit of your receut celebration at Yorktown The only drawback to the full enjoyment of theOccasion would have been that 1 am so much of a Jolm I should have the renchmen somewhere else But after we had turned our Hessian mercenaries loose on you we ought to find no fault for your al liance with the rench At any rate 1 ca now rejoice that you are another independent Nation of Englishmen There may be some that will deny that are English since you have received su largely from emigration You receive all strangers and 'assimilate but do you assimilate all with equal eaAe? Is It not true that you assimilate most easily those of Teutonic descent since they areBOt strangers? Whew once they have rubbedoff some? of the angles you find them like your jaelves jngllshmen I venture the proposition Mha the emigrant who sails from Vtrecht or Ham burg Is something dlfterent from the one who sails from Peklu Some might say different from the Cell but I will not speak of The Champion Beat and Bigamist A New York special says: The detectives yesterday arrested a man who gave bis name as Herbert Baldwin for the St Nicholas Hotel and carrying away tke key of the room he occupied for four days in Septem ber under the name uf Allen He had also a key belonging to the Continental Hotel of Phil adelphia and another of the Metropolitan Hotel of this city The pulice say he is professional hotel beat who has Imposed upon the Delevan Hotel Albany Hotel the Union Square Hotel the Morton House and the Grand I nion Hotel of Ibis city and the hotels of San ran cisco St Louis Chicago and Baltimore He came under the notice of the police six weeks ago when a girl named Bella Malloy charged him with stealing a gold watch and chain from her He met her in Washington and mar ried her She traveled with him to Philadelphia and Albany and on coining to this city he desert ed her said he has married thirty or forty women in difierent places all oi whom he desert ed after getting possession of their property More Star Route Schemes The Cincinnati Commercial Ims the following Washington special: In a short Hine a number of the great Star Routes in the West will be relet Some of them have been so cut in the matter of service and ex pedition that thev are nut at present remunera tive but it Is considered so certain by men con versant with these routes that the service and ex pedition removed will be replaced that they re gard them as a good investment They are shrewd men Thev know from bitter experience that money put into a Star Route on which ser vice is nut be expedited or increased might as well be putinto the sea The recent experience ttf Walsh the Louisiana ring banker who lost so heavily ou a route he had jint stocked and fur nished because the service wan decreased and tbe expedition cut down is still iresh in their minds and yet at the coming reletting they propose jobbing all the contracts they can hey have formed a close syndicate of which ex Senator Chafleo is understood to be the most prominent member Another of itsmembers is understood to be one of the active agents in the Star route investigation One of the objects of 4he syndicate is to put Chafieeatthe head of the Postoflice dewlineiit in order that there inav be no question about their obtaining the desired and cfWdlttfln of "service it is not probable that they wijl effect their pur pose in this Dortidular but there is of course nothing to prevent their getting ihc cqntraris if thev are the lowest responsiblefbldders After they get the contracts petitions by the Tnishel representing the pressing needs i restoring in crease ami expedition of service taken oil by PosUnaater General James will come pouring in indorsed by Scnatois Representatives Judges and others of prominence and ageneial attack will begin all along the line If these gentlemen succeed In effecting all that they purpose the great Stat routes will be just when? they were last year save that they will have changed hands Very few people here know of this brlHhtnt scheme but it has awnfcpned a gond d(nl of amused comment on the part of tboW? who dn know of it ami also fif rhe reductions made dur ing the last summer An Ingenious byntcui fSwtndlihgTr A Philadelphia specirl snys: John Heiner was arrested today for obtain ing jhothjv from the clothing firm of Wannam aker Brown 4y an ingenious system of swindling He was auditing clerk of estab lishment and part of hts duty was to issue orders on the cashier for the payment of bills for work done on outside persons He had an accomplice Bad Blood I i VA MADE PURE BY eiflORIOVN NBWNW1NVAIUW THOSE who contemplate going to Hot Springe for the treatment of Syphilis Scrofula and all cutaneous or blood diseaeee can be cured by one third the cost of such a trip at the' old reliable stand I have been located HeM for Wjodfs and with the ad vantage of such a long and successful experience can confidently warrant a cure in all cases Ladhs needing a periodical pill can get them at my office of by Mall at 1100 per box Office 43 Virginia avenue IndinpollflUd JKHNTT ncceBBur to Dr 1 Ewing IflUiris Satuiday muruiug ami wen must cordially received and gvm ruii' ly uturlnineu John Irvine on tryd at Wawrlcy for murder of Guuige Dkc sv i'al weeks ago was declared not guilty by the Jury Saturday Tire farmers in the virln'ty have or ganized and decided tu raise the price of milk 2011671 13746305 vietn Bark and Phon pinites aMOoeiatetd I trith thi 4 ivtf jiserresl letev purpose tcieref MAMUACTUREB BV THE DR HARTER MEDICIN 90 Rfl 81R JTRSH ST LOUIS Timber Thieving A Washington special of November 2 says: There are nil through the Gulf States but es pecially in lorida and Louisiana great tracts of fam! covered with heavy forests still the property of the United States or years the inhabitants of the surrounding territory have been appro priating the timber ot these splendid forests to their own use The forest tracts are known hs and the depredations upon them are committed alike by the rich and Hie poor by the humble and the proud They have (mb bed the notion that the forests in question arc common property and thattUey have a perfect Indisputable right to i cut' therefrom timber not onlv for domestic and building purposes but tor export The restill'is that an extensive traffic has sprung up in timber known to be abstracted from the Government Reservation Respectable merchants reputable awyers substantial farmers prey alike on these apparently inexhaustible forests has been estimated that the value of the timber annually stolon from the Government in this way Is many hundreds of thousands of dollars Government officials iu those sections have been strangely re miss in the premises Prosecutions for these thefts arc rare and the thieves may be said to en joy immunity from punishment Public opiuiou does not condemn them ami public prosecutions do not prosecute A decision rendered to day by irst Comptroller of the Treasury Lawrence may change all this He decitied upon ibe applica tion of a District Attorney in lorida that Dis trict Attorneys are entitled to extra compensa tion for the prosecution of depredators on public timber lands under the law allowing them extra fees for preserving public property Ife Inis given the District Attorneys an incentive will prolxibly bring alamt a more vigorous performance of their duties It is quite probable that the curi ous practice sought to be broken up grew up dur ing Hie War The Confederate Government never had time to take possession of the Government reservations in the South and the people living around them regarding them as so much con quered territory owned in common began the (k predntlons which have continued to this day There is of course no comparison between the timber tnlevea of the South and those of the Northwest Chinese news of recent date Is to the effect that the Viceroy who in favor of progress tn rail roads telegraphs etc is lully established in jMiwer i I fl aUmJ iii hntiwc nt the TrejLSiirv of Novornner Hits I Saturday there had been $7961500 of I nited I States lionds received for redemption under the Itotb call At Paxton 111 eight persons whose united ages were 607 years nret on' riday to clebrale the elghtv sevenlh birthday of their iriend Mrs A Bridgman The official figures from all Counties of Iowa as received by the State Register are Sherman Kinne 73397: Clark 38123: Sherman majority over all 59929 The Russian Guvenuneuthas become concerned over the emigration Jewish citizens to the United Slates ami will endea vot to settle them in two agricultural provinces Wholesale dealers In oysters state that tho enormous consumption of that bivalve will soon exhaust the Baltimore beds Possibly the rumor is meiely the prelude to an increase in the price The head of the Treasury Department are pleased with theappointmcul of Judge olger bet ainse they think a good lawyer is required lherc rather than a great financier or a good politician rank Halton irst Assistant Postmaster Gou eral who succeeds Tyner is postmaster at Bur I Hngton Iowa and proprietor of the Hawkeye I He was born at Cadiz hi 1845 ami enlisted at the age of seventeen The ire Relief Commission of Michigan has on hand 8175000 with liabilities of IdOOM) The stock of provisions will last but two or throe weeks It is believed that $250000 would tile the unfortunates over to May The harbor of San been so crowd ed with ships fora week piUil that berths for dis charging could not be provided The demand lor dockage was so groat that several vessels went up the bay to Port Costa to discharge Niue Governors attended the Cotton Exposition nt Atlanta last week Colton was picked from a patch inside the luclnsurc and suits of clothes manufactured before dark for Governors Bigelow of Connecticut ami Colquitt of Georgia Dr Cowing agent of the Peabody fund in a speech at Hartford Conn last week said he was in favor of National aid io educate the ignorant classes iri the South where the State Govern ments were unable to provide cducalionnl facili I tics There is no abatement in the demand for con federate bonds A Richmond bank hits purchased nearly $5oo0u00 of the coupon variety at 83 to pur $100) No less than ClOOtxjuoo of this trash changed hands in London within the past three days The dress of Mrs Bethune of Halifax caught fire from the stove and while rolling Jon the floor in an attempt to extinguish the Hames her little child crawled toward her and the fire was com mnnirated to its clothing Both were burned to death 1 our cow boys have for several hv been mak I ing themselves obnoxious al Tombstone Ariz The City Marshal demanded their arms when a street battle commenced in hich three of the I rufliana were killed and the other wounded in the I shoulder The King ami Queen of Italy arrived in Vienna last evening and were met at the railway station by the Emperor and Crown Prince The mon archs kissen each other on both checks and the populace applauded the royal procession on the I way to Hoiebnrg Two more bodies have boon recovered from tint ivrwL hn stenmpr Jennie Gilchrist sunk al Island on riday They were the remains I of Mrs Camp of Davenport and William Wundt of Cordova The total loss is reported at seven men and four women In the annual report of General Benncdl Chief I of Ordnance A be slates that $l6375'i379 i were expended and wants the appropriation iu I creased ibis vear He thinks thu well being and elfieiency of Army requires the retirement of ullicers at the age of sixty two The Apaches have made their appearance in riunora killing a family near Rancho Santa Cruz beyond Magdalena ami running on urn stuca General Otero commanding the troops has sent a force to co operate with the American soldiers who are supposed to be in pursuit of thorn Theodore A rancis mail carrier between ort Wayne ami Liberty Mills Ind having been miss ing for some days search was made and his re mains were found on Saturday in a woods with two bullet holes in his head ne hundred dob lars which he had in his possession when ho and started was miss ng ft? Our polit Indiana Is making an eilort to secure lor Geo i 1 i ongni ue position auiain oi nauiouo we nat nan Accounts (which was vacated by Mr rench who reported to the Pacific Railroad Company a little Gray I too soon) ami Inis sent the President a nnmer I ons) signed peMtion in his behalf Theuftirels Charters have been taken out in Maryland West Virginia and 'Irio for a railroad from Balli more to Cincinnati midway between Clio Balti moremnd Ohio ami Chesapeake and Ohio Roads a distance uf GUI miles A construction Company lias been formed under the taws of New Jersey with a capital of $10 0UU 000 The ix story glucose factory at Peoria 111 owned by the Hamlins of Buffalo whs swept away by a fire on last Thursday which broke out in the meal drying room at noon There were 1500 barrels of product in the building Only a two inch stream of watci Could be turned upon the flames The employes numbered 25 The loss is $500000 and insurance $275000 At Philadelphia on Saturday a burglar entered thebedroom of General Boulanger a member of the rench delegation to the Centennial yester day and was detained by the General until the police arrived and arrested the man Later in the morning he was taken before tho Grand ury a true bill found against him was tried and con victed and sentenced to three years in the Peni tentiary Al Cartorsville Ga on last Wednesday a fracas occurred after the show between the employes of Coup's circus and local officers in which a negro was shot dead and several others on either side badly beaten ami bruised While the fight was going on a lion and a lear escaped from the menagerie and poor bruin was shot dead but the lion is still at large' The cause pf the trouble was whisky The German elections proved that the anti Semitic party is now the popular one Hcnrici a notorious Jew hater only received MK) votes out of 10091) and Professor Virchow a Progressist leader defeated Rev Chaplain Stoecker by majority of 17500 The Chaplain will beremem bered as a leader in the anti Jewish persecution The Conservatives have been pretty thoroughly beaten and the National Zeitung of Berlin savs the victory is one over dictatorship and clerical persecutin'!) Six more arrests were made in Ireland on Thursday under the coercion act among them being Slack of Tralee long in penal servitude for treason the President ol the Kilkenny Branch League and O'Neill the organizer of the Cork Branch The Heath Magistrates will apply to the Lord Lieutenant for an increase of the police force Tho Postmaster General has warned em ployes to sever their conneclion with the Land League The police dispersed meeting uf the League at Ballintra Eloping from a Convent A Norwich (Conn) special says: On a bright January morning of this year Mrs Delia Maynard sat in the room at the City Court in this city Her appearance attracted the attention of all who visited the Court She is a young and beautiful blonde with finely marked features and of perfect form She was richly dressed She chatted merrily with her female friend and appeared to view the charge against her that of bigamy as a rather romantic incident Mrs Maynard came to this city four years ago and soon formed the acquaintance of Charles Maynard a saloon decorator of the town of Led yard a few miles south of Norwich Love and a wedding quickly followed Thecouple were mar ried by Rev Mr Csyer of Bean Hill A child was born and it is now three years of age Two years after the marriage Mrs Maynard left her hus band accusing him of intolerable cruelty Her child went with iier On December 29 1879 she again married notwithstanding she had not pro cured a divorce from her first husband and that he was still living in this County Lyman Bra man was her second choice He was a handsome young mechanic in one of the Norwich pistol shops Soon afterward Maynard who had never done much at any time to assist his wife ap peared at her new home and demanded his child It was refused him and he Instituted pro ceedings against her for bigamy Iler appearance in the City Court aroused a strong feeling of sym pathy for her in the popular heart The trial of the case against her was adjourned for a few days and she was placed under $300 bonds which were furnished by an express driver of thiscity On the following day she and Braman fled our months later Captain Whaley of the Norwich police traced the couple to a Massachusetts town and brought them back to the city They were tried ana convicted of bigamy in the Superior Court and sentenced to six mouths in the Weth ersfield State Prison They went to Prison and Maynardregained his child While Iu Prison the story of Mrs life was learned She is twenty two years old Her parents are respect able and wealthy residents of Montreal She re ceived every social advantage and an excellent education When fifteen years of age she was finishing her studies in a convent She had been there hardly a year before she eloped with a mem ber of a circus troupe that visited that city She traveled with the troupe and at length it is said married one of the performers After a time cir cus life lost its charms her husband was not con genial and a voluntary separation soon followed She then came to Norwich During her impris onment her parents learned of their disgrace They communicated with her asking whetln she was willing to abandon her reckless course ami return home She answered that she was willing Herscnlenceexoired yesterday and she is now on her way to Montreal Iler latest husband is Industrious and respectable and deeply in love with Ids wife He had never been con victed of an ofl'ens until his marriage He said in Prison that he sinrid take steps after his re lease to legalize Hie union His wife professes un conceru for him4 fc lipper Court Martial San Antonia Nov 3 WheiVthe lipper Coiirt Martlal meet Judge Advocate Claus stated it would not be proper to arrange the accused on the additional charges preferred since the adjournment of the Court in Sep tember without his voluntary consent Two sets of charges were made out cThe Court was sworn only on the first If suchva proposition it would be all right 1 The Judge Advocate was 'only moved by a desire to save time and money to' the accused in making such Total 43 The actual deficiency by this statement is $241100015 which 1 to be made up by assess meut on the stockholders and losses by deposit ors 'The Examiner estimates after making al lowances for all probable looses that the depobi Curs will receive from 50 to t0 per cent and the sUx hojders will lose an amount equal tu their stockadditional 'l 2 I York Clipper lately cited the IcAso oK'aptain Jacoba Schmidt of Toinp 'kTnsUlle Stated Inland 'N who had been a great BUfferer with rheumatism for many years He used St Jacobs Qil with splend id success i Ch WILLARD HOTE LOTTERY THE DRAWING INALLY SETTLED AND IXED THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10 1881 IS THE DAY UPON The drawing of this scheme'haB been finally settled upon and will CERTAINLY take place on Thui sday the ICth of November 1881 by assent of the Cummlwdoneis and Uris will enable me to sell all of the lemalnlug tickets All persons therefore Intending to Invest in this scheme may rest assined that there will Leno further delays or pbstponements I LIST PRIZES The Willhrd Hotel withall its bd co*kA AAA ixtures xnl uralme $4lDUjVUU One Besldeoce on Green StreetX S15QOO One Sesldence on Green Street 15QOQ Two Cash rizes each jocqq Tro Cash Prizes each 12000 ive Cash Prizes tach llOOG Vive Cash Prizes each 1500 ifty Cash Prizes each 1100 One Hundred Cash Prizes each ISO ive Hundred Cash Prizes each 120 One Set of Bar urniture One Pine Plano One Handsene Silver Tea Set 400 Bore? Old Bourbcn Whiskey $36 10 Baskets Champagne $36 ive Hucdred Cash Prizes each 110 400 Boxes ine Wines S3C 200 Boxes Bcbertson Cc*ntv Whiskey 130 400 Boxes' Havana Cigars 110 ive Hundred Cash rizes each 110 Amounting Whole Tickets $8 Halves $4 Quarters $2 Remittances may be made by Bunk Chuck Ex prcHB Postal Money Order onR gittcrd Mull Respuntible Agents wanted al jail point or circulars giving full and tickets addrew 4 rxfbo'WC WHIPS i Willard hoielh Louisville kj WOODWARD ACT 17 Nuil lllniuih 81 Indianapolis ui rt ri i fruaJl lijlt klh 'b still io Dr I BLOOD SEARCH ER a iV ft 4 1 1 or all Blood Diseases as Ulcers Scrofulous Diseases Eryiilas Pimples Boils Sore Eyes Scald Head Mercurial1 and Malarial Diseases SKIN BritlsITtroops In South Africaare to be speedilywithdrawn The Emperor and Empresaof Brazil will soon revisit Europe The Michigan Relief und of Boston so far amounts to $56564 Michigan fnnl of New York Oily amounts to 1120000 The San rancisco Produce Exchange has given $1000 toward the Garfield memorial fund AtSan ranclfteo riday $50000 in specie were 3 received from Japan and $234000 from Mexico Ex Senator Windom has received his creden ials as United States Senator from Minnesota A steamer with a targe quantity of dynamite for RiibU was stoppedju the Dardanelles Thurs day: rank Hatton formally took possesion of the irst Assistant Postmaster office Satur usel only for catching minnows for bait) or who puts dynamite giant powder or any other explosive matter into any of the Jakes rivers or other waters ot this State shall be lined not less than $10 nor more than $200 for each offense to which may be added imprisonment in the County Jail (or any determinate period but this shall not prohibit the catching by net of minnows for bait or to be kept in aquariums Sec 209 Whoever shall take any fish with a gig or spear during the months of March April May November or December of each year or shall take any fish with a net seine gun or trap of any kind or set net weir or pot in any the lakes ponds rivers or smaib streams of this State shall be fined not more than $25 nor less than $5 for each fish so taken but the provisions of this section shall not apply to legitimate fishing with hook line and pole or to persons catching small min nows for bait with a seine not over fifteen feet in length or to taking fish out of the Ohio River at any tijne or out of the St Joseph River and Kankakee River between the first day of April and the first day of une of each year Any person keeping a seine or ne to let or who loans or lets a seine for thepuipose of fishing in any of the lakes or streams in this State in violation of the provisions of this act shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $20 nor less than $10 CAME j(AWS Section 197 Whoever nets or traps quail at any time shall be fined not more than $50 nor less than $1U for each offense Each act of netting or trapping shall be deemed and held to be a separate and distinct offense and punishable as such 4 Sec 198 Whoever shoots or destroys or pursues for the purpose of shooting or des troying any quail or pheasants during the period from the 20th day of December in any year to the 15th day of October in the suc ceeding year or shoots or kills any wild turkey betw een the 1st day of ebruary and the 1st day of November of each year shall be lined in the sum of $2 for each quail wild turkey or pheasant so killed and the sum ol $1 for each quail or pheasant so pursued l' 'Sec 199 Whoever ensnares traps or nets quails pheasants prairie hens or chickens at any time shall be lined $5 for each bird so ensnared trapped or netted Sec 201 Whoever nets traps kills or injures or pursues wit ii intent so to do any woodco*ck between the 1st day of January and illy of each year or nets or traps at any time or kills any wild duck between the 15th day of April and the 1st day of September in each year shall be fined in the sum of for each wild duck or wood co*ck so unlawfully trapped netted or shot Sec 20G Whoever sei Is exposes to sale or has possession of for the purpose of sell ing any quail pheasant prairie chicken or wild duck that has not been killed by shoot ing shall be fined $1 for each and every quail' pheasant prairie chicken or wild duck so sold exposed to sale or pos sessed for the purpose of selling Mhs Eowin Booth is differing from a retapo and her comllllon fa once again extremely critical Sen atur Junes lorida will jcnd most of the time before the opening of Congress in Massu chuoetfa The chronometer watch which Dr Bliss used dnriiKr th ilin ss of President Garfield fa now owned bva tewelcr of East Mirh fav ill committed suicide riday night bv owuea byajiwuvro wi tmIghw himself Hmily troubles the ullege oift rt ivrllltlv HI KS rK a tragedy for John MeUnllongh Her own life hfi been dramatic enough for a firsl ctaw play So far as the bosses are concerned there is a good prosqect that Mother prophecy will uv vcnucu VM iv uu burg Dispatch (Rep) Cabinet Mutters A Washington special of November 2 says: General Beale is a candidate for Secretary of the Navy The close and intimate friendship that has exfated between hlib and General Grant lends prominence to his candidacy as it well known Hint hfa nomination has been urged by and would be parth ulnrlv pleasing to his friend Grant He fa also pressed by General Simon Cameion and his son Senator amcron It being the intention to put him In from Pennsylvania' owing to his once having resided hi that State While General Beale fa une of the best and most lovable (the word very antlv applies to him) of men still po litically he has no strength and this reason will probably prevent General Arthur from inviting him to enter his Cabinet The dftv will comewhen the Presidentwill need all of tne" influence that a (strong and powerful Cabinet can exert to support niin and his policies Tbfa be realizes better than any one else and on account of it he will endeavor to prepare for the storm by surrounding himself with men of strong poritical standing in the localities which they represent This fuel will ruleoutmanygood men whose claims might otherwise be considered General Raum whose name has been urged for Secretary of the Interior has taken an honorable stand in regard to his candidature He has said to several of hii friends who have volunteered lheir assistance that he Is not a candidate in the sense of desiring any struggle that shall in the least endanger the position of MrLincoln The latter gentleman he says represents Illinois in the Cabinet and the Commissioner will not nor does he desire his friends to take am steps that will interfere with the position era) Raum does nut propose to be a candidate against Mr Lincoln nordoes he wish to embarrass the President in the matter A Skin of Beauty iajoy DR ElilX OrientaCreJotjglcal Beautifier A Career A dispatch of the 1st from Kansas City savs: Twelve etrs ago Alfred Hertz was in the em ploy of an English Company in China lie is said co have absconded with some money and to have come directly to this city Soon after coming here he btained employment with Lynde riht A Co grain men in a few months he left with 81600 of the money He was arrested 111 New York brought back and sent to the I eniten tiary for eighteen months Last September he was and he immediately returned to this citv and went to work for Imboden ana Latshaw This morning he left again tak ing $1600 belonging to the former and a sum not known of the He had been cashing grain receipts rom Rosedale he telegraphed a young lady here that he was all right Officers started in pursuit and going to Rosedale found him missing They telegraphed in various directions and this afternoon Hertz was captured atLacengy Kan He will be brought back Asintuuut nanlilngton A New York special of November 2 says: The model of the statue of Washington to Tie erected on the Sub Treasury Building has been completed by A Ward the sculptor and will be shown at a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce to morrow Cash In Treasury Debt less cash in Treasury Decrease during October Decrease since) one 30 Issl Current Interest due and unpaid Debt on which interest Ims ceased Interest thereon' Gold and silver certificates Inited States notes held for redemp tion (certificates of deposit) 8310000 Cash balance available 144493448 UflO rUni si tv i i Jf I 1 1 A vx i in i f'xfnrV' fcgl tgMKggillI i' i a jot Tink ri at tr 'W' jjnmnin nT frV' rnfflh Ilin 1 I VOd V' i ft 1 frl ei U' I "i I i fcl I I a.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.